Back to reality...

Well, we all survived our first week without help. By "without help" I mean just mommy, the kiddos and the dog. Daddy went back to work, Nene has been home and back to work for a while now. Shew. It was a rough one, y'all. Matthew not only went back to work, but he had meetings every night this past week, plus a rehearsal dinner/wedding this weekend. So Friday night he stayed overnight 2.5 hours away where the wedding was held, which means Mommy was flying solo. On the upside, Drew slept long enough for me to give Elliott a bath, put her down and for me to take a shower, but on the other hand, he didn't sleep much the rest of the night. And as if that wasn't crazy enough, I got the kids up, dressed, and mostly fed and we made the drive to attend the wedding as well. I left the house 45 minutes later than planned, but we made it. Mama was worn out, y'all. Matthew let me sleep last night and I got up this morning and managed to get everyone ...