4 Weeks.....

Shew.  One month (or less) until we meet our sweet boy.  The uncomfort level has definitely increased this week.  Baby D seems to constantly have the hiccups and one of his favorite pass times is rolling from one side to the other, which is incredibly painful.  He seems to be very laid back.   The hiccups don't seem to bother him and the only thing he really seems to dislike is anything pushing on him. ( I mean, I can't understand why he wouldn't like anything invading the tiny amount of space that he has in there...).  The ultrasound techs call him "stubborn" as he is always curled up in a ball and refuses to move and let them see everything that they need to see.  I prefer to think that he is just very laid back.  Sounds good....right?

My trips to the doctors office are definitely taking their toll on me.  The long drive, the forever long ultrasounds laying flat on my back with the trainee techs, and the drive back are wreaking havoc on my body.  I could barely move the next day.  Oh, and did I mention that morning sickness came back with a vengeance this week?  We had to pull over on the drive.  Not. good. times.   lol.

Elliott seems to be handling everything beautifully.  She goes around to thing and points to the and says "baby boy".  She also points to my enormous belly and says "baby boy".  I don't know if she really understands what that means, but she has sort of made the connection...I guess.  She has been much more...whiny....lately.  I'm not sure if that is the twos talking, her sensing the upcoming changes, or what, but I don't love it.  lol.   Matthew has been very busy lately and we have been getting in a lot of mother/daughter time, over and above our regular days, so I'm sure that has something to do with it as well.

Today my in-laws came over today and helped us paint Elliott's room and finish up some of the bigger things in Baby D's room.  Both rooms seem much more "finished" which is a great relief for me.  Now it is just a matter of putting all of the "stuff" away and the decorative touches up. Now, if I can only get organized enough to pack some bags (or at least start them).

So what do you think...advice for parents bringing home a second little one?  Anything we should know?  Did you find any surprises?  Anything that really worked for you?


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