Weeks 25 & 26

I can't believe it has been two weeks since my last post...in many ways it feels like yesterday and in many others, I have no idea what I wrote about.  lol.  Since my last update we have moved from Elizabethtown to London, KY.  I have so much that I want to share here, I will try hard not to bore you.  

The week before the move was incredibly difficult.  The hormones/emotions really started hitting me as I realized that it was going to be harder to leave the house where we had our first child than I thought.  It was also very hard leaving the friends that we had made.  I have never been one to deal well with goodbyes, and even as I am sitting here I am crying.  Aside from all of the emotions, came packing.  Admittedly, Matthew and I are MASTER procrastinators, that being said, we held true when it came to boxing up the house.  Having a toddler sure didn't help the process.  I know I have said it before, but seriously, where does all of the stuff come from?  

Moving day was actually incredibly smooth.  The moving company arrived at the house at 10am (later than we were hoping for) and pulled out at 1:30pm.  Amazingly fast!  They beat us to the house in London and were completely unloaded around 7pm.  It was fabulous.  I was very impressed with the company and the team that was sent to take care of us that day.  Upon our arrival in London we found a house full of people who were helping and even better a kitchen full of food!  And the food kept coming!  (And technically is STILL coming) lol.  It has been wonderful.  The hospitality here has been overwhelming.  

Since moving in I have found one definite truth...if I EVER complained about being tired while pregnant before (and I know I have!)...it was false.  This last week has redefined "tired" for me.  AND I have come to realize that I am INCREDIBLY out of shape.  Our new home consists of a basement and two stories...the stairs are killing me.  Carrying a toddler, while pregnant, up and down the stairs is really almost too much.  lol.  Did I mention that the laundry is in the basement? OY.

We live in downtown London.  London isn't a large city by any means, but it is pretty awesome that we can walk to restaurants, shopping and a nice park.  The walking is also adding to the "tired" that this Mama is feeling.  If you know anything about this part of Kentucky, you know that drugs are very prevalent in this area.  That being said, many of the church members keep reassuring us that London is "safe".  While I have yet to feel unsafe in any setting, I have in fact been propositioned for drugs already.  I was out on a stroll with Elliott and Samson and a woman who was clearly in need of a hit asked if I had anything.  She wasn't threatening or any of that, but it says a lot about the state of things in this area.  Drugs and addiction are everywhere, no place is sacred, but it is overwhelming to see just how devastating it can be when it hits an area as hard as it has here.  I am so glad that our church has two(!) Celebrate Recovery programs.  I pray that we can reach this city.  

Elliott has been amazing throughout this transition.  I was extremely anxious about the move and how it would effect her, especially in regards to sleep.  I knew we would be very tired (although underestimated my own exhaustion) and prayed that she would sleep in her new room.  We read books about the move and I tried talking to her about it, but you never know how much a 22 month old understands.  But when we got here she saw us putting together her bed, she asked to get in it and at bed time, she was fine.  Slept perfectly through the night, and with minor trouble at nap time the next day, she has been wonderful!  Hallelujah!  She has been acting out some the past couple of days, but overall is an amazing child.  

Baby W seems to be doing well.  He is very wiggly.  I was concerned that his days/nights were off but today he was rolling around in there all day, so who knows.  I'm sure we will find out when he gets here!  I believe that he is hitting a growth spurt because my muscles are really sore...and not just from the stairs.  I feel like my tummy is really starting to stick out and my regular t-shirts aren't covering all of my belly anymore. - awkward. My blood glucose has been all over the place.  I'm sure part of it is the stress of moving and probably from him growing too.  I was supposed to see my DE this past Monday, but I ended up cancelling.  I see ALL of my drs. this next week so I'm not concerned about missing.  

Thank you for all of the prayers, phone calls, texts, cards, messages and thoughts regarding this transition.  I couldn't have hoped for better.  We really appreciate all of you.  


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