Well, we all survived our first week without help. By "without help" I mean just mommy, the kiddos and the dog. Daddy went back to work, Nene has been home and back to work for a while now. Shew. It was a rough one, y'all. Matthew not only went back to work, but he had meetings every night this past week, plus a rehearsal dinner/wedding this weekend. So Friday night he stayed overnight 2.5 hours away where the wedding was held, which means Mommy was flying solo. On the upside, Drew slept long enough for me to give Elliott a bath, put her down and for me to take a shower, but on the other hand, he didn't sleep much the rest of the night. And as if that wasn't crazy enough, I got the kids up, dressed, and mostly fed and we made the drive to attend the wedding as well. I left the house 45 minutes later than planned, but we made it. Mama was worn out, y'all. Matthew let me sleep last night and I got up this morning and managed to get everyone to church this morning, our first time with Drew. Even though I am more than exhausted and it is so incredibly hard to get everyone anywhere, I am so glad that we have been able to get out of the house. I had terrible cabin fever and I believe Elliott was getting bored as well. Mommy is only so entertaining. lol.
Many of you have asked how Elliott is doing with Drew. The real answer is that she is great with Drew, but her and Samson...not so much. lol. She loves Drew. I get a running commentary throughout the day on what he is doing and how he is feeling. She lets me know when he is "mad" and when he "needs a bottle" and when "baby happy now!". She loves to "hold" him and give him kisses. When Drew was born my in laws took Samson and kept him for two weeks while we adjusted to our new normal. Once he returned he resumed his normal behavior of getting into things he shouldn't and eating food that wasn't his...particularly, Elliott's...since it is on his level. Elliott has not been pleased that Samson steals her snacks and goes into her room. It has been very funny to watch.
I am doing well. I was below my pre-pregnancy weight two weeks after I found out I was pregnant...as I only lost weight through the pregnancy. So, I am down around 25 pounds but I am still in the same size pants, which is disappointing. lol. I am going to have to really work to lose the belly since I had another c-section. My body has also really shifted this time....nothing is where it was before. Even though I am disappointed I am really okay with my body. I have two beautiful children and yes, I have a belly that I don't love, but it isn't the end of the world.
Drew is a great baby. He really is laid back and I believe, easier than Elliott was. He is awake some at night, which is hard because we need sleep, but he is a sweet baby. I have been debating a pacifier to help him sleep some, but I haven't talked myself into it yet. When we had Elliott I was all about a pacifier, as I knew it would be easier to take away than her thumb/fingers, but when I started having to get up every 15-45 minutes at night to put it back in her mouth, I took it away. She sucks on her first two fingers and that has worked well for her. I have no idea how we will eventually break her of it. So, I am hesitant to give Drew the paci because of the issues we had with Elliott, but he is already showing signs of sucking his thumb (which is slightly adorable) but I have heard that the thumb is even harder to break than the fingers. I am wondering if it would help him sleep and/or be more helpful than harmful.
Elliott helping Daddy feed baby Drew |
Snuggly baby... |
This was how he looked in pretty much all of his ultrasound pics... |
He looks so comfy... |
Elliott wanted to hold his hand. They were like this for at least 5 minutes. So sweet! |
She needed me to take her picture since I was taking some of Drew. (never mind the crazy hair!) |
I love when he sleeps like this... |
When Drew was born, he gave Elliott a big Olaf as a big sister present. Someone else gave her this little Olaf that she says is a "baby Ohyawf (Olaf)"...she insisted that Drew needed the baby Olaf. (How cute is that?!?) |
That face cracks me up! |
Can you see the dimples? When Elliott was born everyone made this huge deal out of her dimples. Well, friends, Drew has dimples too and I would say that they are deeper than Elliott's but they can only be seen when he smiles...which right now is just those sleepy, gas bubble smiles. |
Content baby |
Elliott "snuggling with Baby Drew" |
Drew hugging Mommy's arm. |
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