9 weeks to go!

Okay, so it is really like 8.5 since it takes me so long to get the post done.  lol.  But who (other than me) is counting?  I am really starting to feel this third trimester.  Baby D is sitting pretty low (he has been the entire pregnancy) and when he rolls and kicks he pushes on what feels like my hip bones and other very important organs, which is highly uncomfortable.  He is gaining all kinds of strength and is getting big enough to really leverage himself.  Shew.  I am also having a hard time finishing meals.  I'm not sure if the nausea comes from baby boy taking up space and pushing on my stomach or from all the hormones, but it isn't pleasant.  Zofran has been a great friend.  I feel like I have done a lot of sleeping this weekend, but it is about all I have the energy to do.  In general, I haven't felt well, although it is kind of hard to put into words exactly how I feel.

I went to the dr this week and baby D is measuring in the 47th percentile, which is perfect.  Everything looks great with him.  We got a sweet face and profile shot.  I think he looks a lot like his sister.  We are of course still working to control my diabetes, as we are now in that fun part of pregnancy where the rules go out the window.  It seems that no matter what or how much I eat the numbers just kind of do their own thing...no rhyme or reason.  Oh well.  8 more weeks....

Matthew has been really busy with church stuff and this week doesn't look much better.  Things are going well, he is just really getting involved with the committees and different groups trying to get different things going.  Elliott and I participate in some of the meetings, but we have been very busy building our own activities such as going to the library.  This week we are going to visit with family and I am so excited!

We have finished painting baby D's room and are ready to start putting it all together.  I am hoping to get his clothes washed and put away this week and to get the curtains hung.  I would love to get some of the decorative items/pictures hung, but I know to set small goals.  lol.

Elliott's birthday is coming up soon and I can't hardly believe it.  She has been so much fun lately.  She is really talking, using 4/5 word sentences, and really showing her personality.  She is really funny and loves to laugh.  It is so fun watching her grow!


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