This is such a bittersweet time. Being a second time mom I think I understand that better than with Elliott. I want to pause every second and soak up these snuggles and sweet moments with this tiny, squishy baby, but at the same time I am so ready for him to be above birth weight and for him to get a little bigger so that I know that he is growing and thriving. I am ready for him to be in 0-3 month clothing because seriously, I didn't get much by way of newborn stuff because I knew that he wouldn't be in it long...but then I had a teeny tiny baby. I am having to o his tiny load of laundry...a lot. lol. It is also bittersweet because these are the last few days of having my husband home to help me figure out this two kiddo thing. I have really enjoyed having him home and getting to spend uninterrupted time with him. He has informed me that next week it is game over and the schedule is more than crazy.
Drew is doing great. We go back tomorrow morning to weigh him again and hopefully he will be back over birth weight. (Your prayers for that are appreciated!). He is such a sweet baby. The few people who have had the pleasure of meeting him have all described him as "content"....which is true. He doesn't fuss unless he is hungry or has the rare gas bubble. If he is awake he is happy to look around and watch the world (or his big sister) go by. I'm scared to say that he is easier than Elliott, but it is true. It is also very early in the game. lol.
This last week has been interesting with the kiddos and the pediatrician. Our first appointment with Drew was a disaster; the perfect storm of us not being prepared and the doctor being more than an hour late. To make things worse, we took Drew back later in the week and added an appointment for Elliott who was still sick. The dr saw us quickly, but lost even more of our confidence as she insisted that Elliott get an antibiotic that required only one dose a day. I am pretty sure it was too concentrated for her and seconds after the first dose we had projectile vomiting...everywhere. We have been very lucky in that this was the first time that Elliott had ever thrown up, but it was an awesome sight and she was terrified. Matthew was furious and called and spoke with the dr. I ended up calling again and switching the antibiotic. CrAzY. Elliott is doing much better now, thankfully.
Speaking of Elliott, I feel like this transition is starting to hit her. Yesterday I had to travel back to Louisville for my two week check with my OB. She was extremely clingy to Matthew and I and cried when we left. She has generally been clinging to one of us at all times. I think she is afraid that we are going to leave again like when we had Drew. She seems to be okay with Drew. She keeps giving him her doll that she carries around. It is really sweet. She constantly wants to hold him and see him.
We will probably continue to be hermits for a couple of more weeks. I want to make sure that Elliott is over whatever illness she has and I want to make sure tiny Drew is gaining weight and strong and healthy. I am getting antsy to get out. lol. I am feeling so much better this time around (can we say no PPD!?!?) and I have so much more energy than just a few weeks ago. Alas, I feel like it is more important to keep my kiddos safe and healthy.
We have appreciated all of the meals, phone calls, cards, and texts. Your love and support has been amazing. It has been so wonderful to have the support of our families and our church family. We know that several of you are itching to come see the baby and we would love to have you come by for a visit...we just ask that you call or text first. :)
I hope he grows into those toes.... |
How sweet is this?! |
Only one of the meals brought to us this week...Turkey, dressing and all the "fixins" |
Big sister snuggling with Baby Drew |
This is how every ultrasound pic looked....hands in front of the face... |
Sleepy baby... |
Mommy's sweet boy. :) |
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