A little scare....

This weeks dr appointments, were...interesting...to say the least.  I traveled to Louisville solo this week as Matthew was double booked with all day meetings.  I arrived at my regular OB's office early (shockingly) and was prepared to discuss my last real "anxiety" about this delivery process with her.  So as I wait on the table for her to enter the room, I am psyching myself up for the conversation.  She comes in and we exchange our usual greetings and pleasantries.  She asks about my last issue without me even prompting (that is how you know your doctor is awesome) and she of course reassures me and explains my options.  Then she sits down and looks at my chart.  She starts kind of reviewing things with me (which is strange) discussing past lab reports and comments on my bp reading from the other OB office last week (which was slightly elevated).  All the while I am sitting there, wondering where we were going with this....then she hits me with the big news.  She is concerned because I have met the text book definition for pre-eclampsia...and the treatment is delivery at 37 weeks....which is today.  I am pretty sure I just stared at her for a good minute....trying to process what exactly she was telling me.

I then informed her that I am not ready to have a baby this week and I asked if she was really sure...since this was really out of no where.  No one has seemed concerned about any of this at all until right now.  She told me she wanted to repeat some lab work and get the high risk OB's opinion.  Great, she is the laid back one, if she is tripping out then I can't wait to hear what he has to say.  So pretty much I am sitting there and totally panicking and running through the "to-do" list in my brain of ALL of the things that still have to be done before I am ready for this baby.  Can you say....we haven't even bought diapers?  (But, thanks to Ashley we have some now!)  My mind continues to race and I am wondering how I am going to break it to Matthew that we might have a baby THIS WEEK.

As I am waiting to check out at the office, a young couple walks by me....sobbing.  I can only imagine that they are upset because of a miscarriage, or some other equally upsetting news.  This breaks my heart.  I know that as unprepared as I feel to have a baby right this second, I know that I am lucky and blessed to be in this situation.  I know if something happened and we were to have the baby right this second....we would be fine.  We have basically what we need and anything else I am sure that between grandparents and sweet friends we would be covered.  I am thankful that God sent me this reminder to put things in perspective...but I am praying for that couple and the heartbreak they are currently facing.

From there I made a few phone calls (thanks to more church friends!) to make sure I could get the lab work I needed in London and wouldn't have to drive back to Louisville in a day or so to have it done.  I also called Matthew...lol.  He had a terrible headache and was sitting in those two meetings so he really didn't want to chat and I could tell he was kind of tuning me out as I was talking through what happened.  When I got to the part that we might have a baby THIS WEEK he got very quiet and his brain stopped.

I then had two hours to waste in Louisville waiting for my next appointment with the high risk OB to see his opinion on the matter.  So of course, I did what any girl would do....I went to Target.  I picked up a few things that I knew I would need should they decide to take baby D this week.  Finally, I went to the last appointment, which is really two appointments.  I first meet with the DE and then go in for an ultrasound (BPP) and meet with the Dr.  Much to my surprise, and relief, the ultrasound tech came and got me first.  She said she was open and the DE was backed up.  She also informed me that my high risk OB was on vacation and that another Dr would be seeing me today.  Ummm....what?  So of course, I panicked.  I had a pretty good idea what my regular guy would say...but this one?  Oh no.  So after the BPP the dr finally came in and we discussed the situation.  He was a really funny man with a dry wit who totally shrugged off the whole thing and said that the labs weren't needed and that although things were a bit elevated he didn't see a reason to worry.  Hallelujah!

I was very relieved and called Matthew to tell him.  It took what seemed like forever to get home.  3 hours...no fun.  That night and this week since then we have been working with a quiet urgency to finish up those "to-do" things...just in case.  lol.  I am definitely in a much better place today, although I don't have the bags packed yet....but I do at least have the supplies I need.

So, our current plan is to stick to the original plan....if he isn't here by the 9th, he is evicted on the 10th.  I say that....but I am unsure he will make it that long.  Braxton hicks have increased this week along with other random pains.  I have an uneasy feeling that he will be here sooner....but we shall see.

Samson decided he needed to be in the pic too...Matthew says he looks worried....lol. 


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