5 Weeks to go!

Well, I feel like I am in the home stretch.  I have several friends who are also expecting/due around the same time as me, and those friends have begun delivering their little bundles.  It is always fun to see the pictures, but it is also like a countdown.  How many friends are left until it is my turn? So close!

This week I have officially gotten the newborn clothing washed and put away.  I have found some of those essential items (rock and play, swing, pack and play...etc) and have gotten most of those washed and ready to go as well.  We have also been really neglecting unpacking our bedroom, mostly because we knew that it really only inconvenienced us, so we got more of that unpacked and can actually fit a pack and play in there now.  Elliott is becoming more and more aware of all of the "stuff" for baby boy.  She goes around, points and says "baby boy blanket", or "baby boy swing".  I hope she is still okay with all of it when he actually gets here. lol.

We had an appointment to check on baby D's growth this week.  He measured 5 pounds even and is in the 30th percentile.   I am glad that he is still in the "safe" range, but I am a little concerned that every time we measure him he is in a smaller percentile.  I try not to worry, they say anything between the 10th and 90th percentile is fine...but you can't help but be concerned.  Everything looks good and is going perfectly so far.

I have felt more uncomfortable this week.  I am having more trouble getting comfortable and sleeping....which is typical.  The braxton hicks contractions have eased off thankfully.  It is just taking more inner dialogue to motivate myself into doing...well...anything.  lol.  I am ready for that energy spurt.

Elliott has had a really good week.  She didn't sleep last night and I am not sure what that is all about.  She has loved playing with all of her birthday gifts.  I think we have "played puzzles" for hours and hours this week.  She really surprises me with them and is able to do more than I give her credit for.  We also watch "Frozen"...a lot.

I go back to the dr this week....nothing exciting.  Just the usual end of pregnancy once a weeks.  Only a few more to go....


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