7 weeks to go!

We are down to single digits and less than two months!  Which is still a little hard to believe, but by this point in the pregnancy, it is looking more and more believable! I haven't updated in two weeks, simply because we have had a lot going on....which I feel like I say every post.  Last week Elliott and I went out on Monday to run a few simple errands.  I realized (when we got home) that there was a mosquito in the car.  The mosquito ate my poor girl up!  She had at least 13 bites that we red and swollen.  Poor thing.   She didn't sleep well that night and I ended up giving her benadryl and ibuprofen throughout Tuesday.  She was miserable.  Wednesday she was feeling some better so we drove down to Knoxville (or as the locals call it Ktown...lol) and went to the zoo with my SIL and niece.  It was so fun watching the girls interact and play!

Thursday we went to visit with my cousin and her youngest daughter who lives in Corbin.  It was so fun for me to connect with my cousin and to watch our children interact.  It is funny how we are all grown up and now we get to watch our kiddos have fun and learn the joy of cousins!  By the time I finished with the zoo and Thursday's playdate, I had more than over done it.  I was very sore and seriously worn out.  lol.

Sunday evening we took pictures with Elliott in the rain.  lol.  She did really well and we have gotten a few cute ones back, I can't wait to see the rest.  We spent the night at my parents hoping to get Elliott accustomed to staying there so she can stay when I have baby D.  She did really well!  I was very impressed, and surprised!

Monday I visited with all of my doctors.  My high risk ob, I have decided, is just a grumpy old man.  My A1c is perfect, the baby is measuring in the 47th percentile and yet he still finds something negative to say.  He barely even acknowledges that there is a baby and focuses solely on the diabetes.  It is very frustrating.  Needless to say, I won't be using that office for any future pregnancies.  I did get to see my regular OB as well, which is always a much more positive experience.  I found out that her hospital day is Friday, so since my actual due date is on Thursday, the plan is that if he hasn't decided to willingly evacuate by October 9th, he will be formally evicted on the 10th.  How perfect is that?!?

I am feeling okay, having many more blood glucose lows lately.  Those are so not fun....it is a truly miserable feeling.  Baby boy has shifted to head down, at least for the time being...lol.  Which in many ways I am counting as a blessing, but now my diaphragm is squished and I can't breathe.  lol.  I get tired very quickly and of course my muscles are sore.  On the upside, I have not had as much nausea this week.  Woohoo!

I am at one a weeks with the HR ob, and still every other week with my regular OB.  Time is getting close!  Elliott knows that there is a "baby boy" in my belly, but I am not sure that she really understands what that means.  She will find out soon enough.  I am worried about the adjustment some.  She has been very clingy to me lately and super cuddly.  I am soaking the snuggles up now, but worry about how she will react when she has to share them.  Guess we will find out soon.

Walls are painted....curtains up!


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