Elliott is TWO!

I absolutely cannot believe that my  sweet girl is two years old today!  Where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital, yet I cannot remember what life was like before her.

We went in for her two year check up last Friday.  She weighed in at a whopping 23 pounds and 6 ounces and measured around 33 inches tall.  So petite!  Even though she is small, don't be fooled!  Any one who is around her for very long is incredibly surprised at how well she talks.  She uses 5 and 6 word sentences consistently and is great about communicating what she needs and what she wants.  She loves to sing and dance and can sing most of the words to many of the songs that she knows.

Elliott loves anything that has music.  The tv shows that she gravitates towards are all music based - Wiggles, Little Einsteins, and Bubble Guppies.  A month or so ago the Disney Jr. app had songs from Frozen featured on it, in which Elliott found "Do you want to build a snowman?".  She loves it!  (Which is really interesting because it is a very sad song!)  She asks for "Snowman" all the time.  We go to the library once a week for a toddler program where they sing songs and it is one of Elliott's favorite things to do.  She loves to sing the songs at home but is a bit shy when we are at the library.

Elliott loves books and to read.  She has her favorites ("Fancy Nancy", "No, David", "Spot"books,) but she will read just about anything.  She can entertain herself for quite a while with a stack of books.  She has recently started to be very interested in puzzles.  Some of the ones at the library I feel are too difficult for her, but she is far more successful than I would have thought!  She's a smart cookie!

Elliott has always been a sweet easy baby.  She is beginning to test boundaries more and more, but she is still a very easy child.  I am sure things will get more difficult in the next year as she begins to test those boundaries more and more.  Usually, the "look" or a "no" will be all she needs, occasionally we progress to time out.  She sleeps through the night, around 11 or 12 hours and takes a two hour nap in the afternoon.  She doesn't eat a wide variety of food, but she eats a lot of the few things that she does eat.  Right now the best part of eating is using a fork which makes her feel like a "big girl".  Her favorite foods include peaches, peas, mac and cheese, graham crackers, pancakes and of course, cookies.  lol.

I love my sweet girl and love her sweet personality.  She is loving, sweet, funny and energetic.  I can't wait to see how she changes this next year and how her personality develops.


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