Name decisions....

This week has been pretty crazy around here as we have had VBS as well has a full regular schedule. Elliott is still too young to actually participate in VBS, but we went and hung out some with the preschoolers some anyway.  She LOVED singing, dancing and playing games with the big kids.  Those sweet big kids took Elliott and included her and loved on was amazing.  She loved participating with them and did so well!

We are getting settled in here in London and the house is starting to come together.  I am in severe nesting mode so I can't wait to paint and hang pictures and all that jazz.  The odd thing is that I don't feel like I can make up my mind.  I had a master plan for Elliott and baby boy's furniture, but I keep changing the plan and talking myself out of things.  It is really odd.  Is this a pregnancy symptom?  I have never had this problem before...

Speaking of making up minds....Matthew and I (we think) have really settled on baby boy's name.  We are going to keep his initials, WD, but we are going to call him by his middle name.  The name we had originally picked out just never seemed to sit well and didn't seem right.  We both feel much better now.  I am glad we finally picked so I can get working on the nursery.  lol.  So, I will probably refer to him as baby D from here on out.

On a related note, we have lots of folks asking about our naming decisions.  We have chosen not to share the name of the baby, only the initials.  When we had Elliott, we knew her name could be controversial, and that many people would have an opinion, especially since it wasn't common for a girl.  We loved the name and honestly, we didn't want to hear the negative comments.  We still get them, even now, from time to time, but that way no one could talk us out of a name we loved and we knew the choice was ours.  We have chosen to continue this with this baby.  We love to hear the guesses, but we know that the name is our choice and that usually people guess names that they like, or that they think are funny.  ;)

I am 28 weeks now, which means in 12 weeks (or less) this sweet boy will be here.  I am currently in the midst of hopefully my last 24 hour urine.  Please pray this one comes back negative as well.  I am beginning to get anxious about delivery.  Not the labor and birth part, but the process.  The high risk ob is pushing for a 39 week delivery, but I really want things to progress naturally and have a VBAC.  My regular OB is all for it, so long as baby and I are both healthy.  So, prayers would be appreciated.  I know that things will work themselves out soon.

Baby D is very wiggly.  He is most active late at night, which is making it very hard to sleep.  My tailbone is still causing me quite a bit of discomfort, to the point of interrupting sleep as well.  :(  I am carrying him very low.  I notice that I feel all movement below the belly button still, where as with Elliott, she was all over the place, but mostly above the belly button.  I go back to the regular OB and the DE this week, but I don't have any ultrasounds planned.  I am on the every other week rotation now, so time is getting closer!

Matthew stayed up late last night and put together Baby D's dresser.  This mama is excited.  I can wash and put away his clothes!  It's the little things....


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