Weeks 29 and 30.

Woah.  Tomorrow I am officially at 30 weeks.  That means in 10 weeks, or less, baby D will be here!  A part of me wants to have a panic attack and the other part wants to get up and scrub the house from top to bottom because I know there is so much to do and productivity will severely decrease after he arrives.  lol.  Another panic moment came on Sunday when I realized in exactly a month my sweet girl turns TWO!  Can you believe that?  It doesn't seem possible.

These past two weeks seem sort of like a whirlwind.  We have had so much going on I have had to go back to color coding my day planner.  lol.  I know, you would think that a SAHM of an almost two year old has little to fill into a day planner, but it is seriously running over.  Elliott has had a runny nose again this week, thankfully it doesn't seem as bad as a couple of weeks ago but it has added to the challenge of the days.  One of the events we have added to our weekly schedule is called "Babygarten" at the local library.  It is a short 20 minute time where they do songs and rhymes with babies and toddlers.  Elliott LOVES it.  Of course, since it is the library, she is already in heaven.  We have had to have several "chats" about not pulling all of the books off the shelves.  lol.  But we have checked out several books and Elliott is loving them.  We are reading one called "No, David!" I am pretty sure I have read that at least 10 times everyday.  And of course there is "Fancy Nancy"....

(Note, for those of you with weak stomachs, you may want to skip this paragraph.)
A week ago last Sunday Matthew and I went out to lunch after church.  It is kind of our weekly tradition.  We decided to go to Cracker Barrel, which is a place that generally, Elliott and I both love.  I have been having these "moments" for several weeks, particularly after a meal where nausea hits me full force.  Usually, I just take deep breaths and talk myself through it and I am fine within a couple of minutes.  Well, that particular day I was unsuccessful and I completely embarrassed myself AT THE TABLE.  I was both horrified and ever so thankful that no church people were with us.  I had NEVER done that publicly before and couldn't believe it happened even then.  I have never had morning sickness, either with Elliott or Baby D, until now, the third trimester of this pregnancy.  How weird is that?  Thankfully I had an appt with my Dr. the very next day and that was definitely one of the topics of conversation.  She is wonderful and gave me some dissolvable Zofran for those "moments".  I have only had one or two since then, thankfully.

This week we began painting the nursery, have ordered a few decorative things and gotten them in, and have sort of gotten a plan for getting everything else that we need for baby D.  You wouldn't think that we would need much, but since our kiddos are so close, we are still using a lot of stuff (like monitors, diaper genie, etc) with Elliott.  (Take note, those of you that are having your first....) But I also realize how much this time around is unnecessary.  His arrival is getting close and I am getting excited!

He is a busy boy these days.  Late nights are his favorite and Matthew laughs because it looks as though there is an alien in my belly.  Whatever he is doing in there, it makes us laugh.  He is still moving around and hasn't settled into that "final" position yet.  I go next Monday to the High Risk OB and we get to see how baby D is growing.  He was in the 51st percentile last time, so lets hope he stays in that range.

Here is the pic for these two weeks.  The paint color looks a little purple-ish in this photo, but it is truly a shade of blue.  (Think nautical!)


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