Whadda ya think?

So, now that we have shared our big news, everyone's next question is..."well, are you going to find out the gender?"  My response is "ABSOLUTELY!" Ha!  My Type A- OCD personality has to find out.  Many people love the element of surprise that comes with not finding out, but I think the surprise of just meeting our beautiful baby will be enough, the rest must be planned.  :)  As far as preference, we don't really have one.  I would love to have a little girl to put big bow and flowers on their head and to cover in ruffles and frills, but a little boy would be tons of fun.  As long as the baby is happy and healthy, we are thrilled either way.  I have had several people make their suggestions as to gender based on my appearance.  One family member says it's a boy cause I am carrying all in front, a friend says it's a girl cause I am carrying down low.  My friends think it's a boy cause I haven't been puking like they were and they both had girls.  So, I am asking you...what do you think?  I will post my week 11 picture again...cast your vote on the right side of the blog.  I am interested to see what you think!  We will find out for sure in several weeks!  Until then, keep the guesses coming!



  1. Congrats, Jennifer! I am so happy for you. :)

  2. Thanks Natalie! I am so excited! I saw the pics of your little one! She is growing so fast!


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