13 Weeks and a Doctor Appointment

     Today I am 13 weeks and 1 day and we went back to the doctor for the next check up.  Everything looked great and we got to hear the heartbeat!  I asked the doctor about the theory of heart rate and gender...she said it is usually true.  :)  So we may have gotten a big hint today!  However, Matthew is afraid of jinxing it...so we won't share until the big ultrasound....which is in 8 weeks!  8 whole weeks!  I might explode before then.  Seriously. 
     I am feeling great, although I have been a bit sore this week as it feels like I am stretching.  I haven't felt the baby move since Sunday, but since I felt it so early I am not really surprised.  I am really tired and feel like I could sleep ALL the time. I have lost two pounds, which I find somewhat exciting, since my belly is expanding so rapidly.  Don't worry, it's okay if chunky girls lose a little...baby is still growing fine. 
     So, below you will find the 13 week picture.  Don't think anything of the shirt color....just the only short sleeved shirt that was clean and covered the belly.  What do you think we heard today?  Boy or Girl?


  1. I think boy. :) I also meant to tell you earlier how you look smaller through your face and neck. I can tell the weight loss. I can also tell your growing belly and I think it's a terrific miracle!
    Have a great weekend!


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