Trying times...

Yes, today is 14 weeks and yes a picture is coming I promise, but hubby isn't home yet.  :(  But I need to vent.  Today has been a very emotionally trying day.  Life seems to be overwhelming me (probably along with a few hormones too!) and I am really struggling today.  Between work, grad school, and other aspects of life, I am left worn out and stressed out.  I am well aware that I am very blessed.  I have been blessed with some amazing opportunities in life and even now with this baby on the way I realize how great I have things.  However, maybe this baby is helping me to put things into perspective.  Some of the things that I once found so important don't seem to matter as much.  Deadlines have been mere suggestions lately.  Most of all, I feel like I am struggling to find my voice in the sea of those who want to tell me what to do, how to do it, or how I should be feeling right now.  I can't decide if I want to cry or sleep. 
I know that many of you are going through struggles that far surpass mine, and know that I think about you and pray for you often.  Thank you for following along in this wonderful journey, and for allowing a pregnant girl to vent. :) 


  1. It always helps to vent. I completely understand what you are saying. Being pregnant puts a lot of things in perspective. That is why I had to stop teaching. As much as I loved it and loved my kids, my own daughter became my number one priority and I felt like I wasn't putting her first. Lots of tough decisions in life, but what a great journey it is! :) It's great that you have a blog so I can follow along on your journey! I can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or a girl!!


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