38 ish...

I officially have one week until delivery, which seems unimaginable to me!  I am definitely getting more emotional about it, I had to really control myself in church this morning when a sweet lady asked me about things.  It is so bittersweet. These braxton hicks are so painful, my tailbone/sciatic nerve make it hard to walk, and my glucose has made this last week rough, but at the same time, I know that these are the last few days I have of ever being pregnant...the last kicks, rolls, and stretches from baby.  This is definitely a hard turning point in life. Up until now, everything has been a new exciting season of firsts, or happy things, this is the first season change where I have truly felt sadness and pain. 

I say all of this, which is all true, and comes from the depths of my soul, but at the same time I know how  blessed I have been and cannot express how thankful I am for this passing season.  This weekend I spoke with three beautiful women, two of whom I have always looked up to and considered role models, and had to see their face as they see a very pregnant me, knowing they have or are struggling with infertility.  They want so desperately to be happy for me and this new little one, but you can't help but to see the clouds of sadness in their eyes.  It isn't fair.  Matthew and I understand how blessed we have been, infertility is not something we have struggled with, although we have every reason to have struggled.  Now we are coming to the end of this season and I wish more than anything we could share our gift with these other women.  These women are the best or will be the best moms, they should be able to have all the babies they want.  It is so heartbreaking to see them struggle. 

This last week I have been cleaning and organizing more around the house.  My nesting mode is in full force.  I don't need things to be perfect for baby, heaven knows he won't care, but just knowing that it will take me a few weeks to be recovered enough to do many of these things makes me want to make sure things are done before it is time.  Last week the towels were getting on my nerves, so I did what any normal person does and I totally cleaned out the linen closet and reorganized everything in it.  Totally normal right?

This coming week is a week for me to tie up any of my loose ends.  I am getting my hair done, my toes done, taking maternity pics, taking dog to the groomer, taking kids to the movies, laundry and packing.  It sounds like a lot but I have each day planned with how I am going to get each thing done.  Matthew is overwhelmed this week, trying to get in so many work things, meetings, a funeral, and helping me finish stuff here at the house.  I'm trying to lay low with the kids as much as possible to let him get done what he feel he needs to get done as well.

Baby boy is doing fine, he is wild.  In the last 4 ultrasounds he has been in 5 different positions.  Spine left, spine right, spine down, spine right and spine up.  So, no, he hasn't bothered to drop yet, nor has he even thought about settling down.  haha.  He measured about 5 pounds 11 ounces last Monday, which moved him to the 21st percentile.  He is expected to only gain maybe a pound before delivery.  Looks like he may be my smallest baby yet. 

The pic that we took today.....I look tired.  I am tired.  And a little swollen.  Maybe I have over done it the last few days.  Maybe my body is just getting ready.  Either way....don't judge.  haha. 

Car seat is in....

Tired mama...

Last week was our 11th anniversary...we took a terrible pic....

Elliott serving as acolyte for the very first time....how is she this big?!

Just barely tall enough..

I made some things for the princess too...


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