Officially one month....

We have hit 35 weeks...I think?  I feel like I have lost track.  haha.   We will have another ultrasound to measure his growth in a couple of weeks, but basically he is in there just gaining a little chub before his appearance.  He has passed all of his BPPs with flying colors.  This last week his hands, feet, umbilical cord and my placenta were in front of his face, so we didn't get to see much of that cute profile, but he was thrilled to show off his boy parts.  Typical. 

I have finally made a blanket for him, the hat with his name is done, pack and play is up, clothes are ready and we have ordered one or two things for the house that we need.  We are in our final prep stages for him and for the rest of our lives that has to be taken care of before his arrival.  My OCD is in full swing and I need all the things clean and organized, but my large pregnant self can only work for a little bit before needing a break.  It is very annoying.  haha.  With both kids home for the summer as well, it makes keeping the things I have already cleaned even harder to keep clean.  Matthew dared asked me what I thought needed to be done before baby, then he just stared at me.  haha.  He asked. 

Elliott is FINALLY out of school but we haven't settled into a routine yet...and it doesn't seem to likely to ever really find one this summer.  She has dress rehearsal and her dance recitals this week.  We are all very excited about it, but it adds to the chaos of life.  Drew goes to the orthopedic dr Tuesday to make sure his broken toe has healed.  Bless that child.  Today he has eaten all of the food.  Seriously.  I don't think we ever actually got him "full" today.  He needs to stay in this current size clothes for a minute, I just changed over all of his stuff.  I mean...seriously. 

Tomorrow (Monday) is our first baby's birthday.  Samson will be turning 11.  Can you believe that?!?  He has been more clingy lately and last night he woke me up in the middle of the night.  He went back to bed, but I was grouchy cause he woke me up.  Turns out my glucose was low.  Did he know?  Was he just being a stink?  Who knows, but I am glad he woke me up. Samson is a sweet snuggle pup who loves attention.  Hard to believe that we have had him for 11 years and that he is that old!  (and we are that old!).  Happy Birthday Samson!

So, I feel like I need to say something about some of the rumors I have heard lately.  My hubby will probably not be pleased that I am posting this, but since this has so much to do with me I feel it is important.  I have always been extremely transparent about my struggles with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. (PPD and PPA)   I share my struggles because I want other new moms to be aware of the symptoms and to know that they aren't alone.  I want to take away the stigma of mental health issues and encourage mothers especially to take care of themselves so that they may take care of their families.  That being said, apparently it has been suggested that my husband needs to be home to "babysit" me because I will be so unstable after the birth of this child.  This is absolutely not true. I have been very proactive about preparing for PPA and PPD both with the birth of Drew and the upcoming birth of this child.  I have never been a danger to my children, or myself and anyone who is close to me can attest to that.  Obviously, those creating these rumors have never had to deal with these issues, because typically that is not part of these issues, those are extreme cases in PP Psychosis.  My husband missed out on many opportunities to be home with us the days after the birth of Elliott and Drew and simply wants to take time to enjoy this time in our lives with this baby, especially since this will be our last.  If you have any kind of questions about our situation I would much prefer you come and ask us directly, instead of assuming or making up an answer.  It is extremely painful for us as a family to hear these rumors in our community, especially since no one has come to discuss any concerns with us. 

I have to head to Louisville two times this week.  I am interested to see what my nutritionist has to say about my numbers.  We keep increasing my night time insulin but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick.  5 more weeks and my body will get back to normal...ish.  haha. 

Here are a few pics....

                                    35 Weeks                                            Elliott's Awards Program

                                                                        Last day of school!


                                                         Baby Blanket


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