"Only 17 weeks? But you are SO big!" and other things you shouldn't say to the pregnant lady....

Baby is now the size of a turnip, which means absolutely nothing to my kids, or you can compare to the size of your open palm.  This week baby will practice sucking for the first time and will be developing fingerprints!  Who knew that happened so early?  Baby is also starting to kick with more gusto, although it still can't be felt on the outside yet, but I have a feeling it won't be long. 

We have another week and a couple of days until we find out gender and to say that I am excited is an understatement.  Matthew and I keep going back and forth about how we want the ultrasound to go, kids with us or no.  On one hand I think it will be awesome to let them look and see the baby for themselves, but on the other hand, if they do find something wrong with the baby that would be hard enough to process, just the two of us.  So we are still on the fence about that, but we will have to figure it out soon.  If you haven't seen it, we are having a simple gender reveal party on Saturday the 2nd at 1pm.  Yes, we realize it is Groundhog day.  Everyone is invited to come celebrate with us, but please wear either blue or pink.  No gifts.  :)  My husband and I just talked about what we will do if it snows that day...y'all.  Pray for no snow on the 1st or 2nd.  Granny always said not to pray for weather, but I am begging you to make an exception.  haha! 

I am getting antsy to start preparing for this baby and I am very much in nesting mode.  Clean out, organize, scrub....that is my life right now.  Unfortunately, my kids could care less and even though I have been working around the house, you can't tell....not one bit.  It is very frustrating.  Matthew has been traveling much more lately and his classes have started back, so I am back to doing much of it alone again and it shows.  I don't have the energy (or the tailbone) to keep up. 

I am struggling more in the sleep department as I can only sleep for a couple of hours at a time.  My Fitbit gives me credit for about 4 hours a night, which might be a bit generous.  This of course is causing me to be exhausted during the day and short tempered with my children, which I hate! My kids are definitely not seeing their best mommy right now. 

Today we went to lunch at Chinese and the woman at the register and I were chatting about our kids.  She asked what gender the baby will be and I told her that I was only 17 weeks and would find out next week.  Her eyes got big and she looked at my belly and said "OH. 17 weeks?  But your are SO big!".  That did great things for my self esteem.  haha!  Some have since commented that at least she didn't tell me I looked pregnant when I wasn't actually pregnant....been there, done that.  That c-section belly does a girl NO favors in trying to look skinny.  I remember just after I announced that we were expecting #3 someone saying to me "you are just barely pregnant."  I thought, what does that even mean? Either you are or you aren't, there really isn't an in between option.  haha. 

Had a meeting with Elliott's school today.  I wish I could say it went well, but truth is, it was very sad.  I don't want to get into it here, because I do have lots of friends that teach there and that of course send their kids to the same school, but as a mommy and a past educator, I was very disheartened by the conversation today.  Please, if you are a parent of ANY kid at ANY school remember that YOU are their advocate.  Speak up for them, fight for what you think is right, question anything that doesn't sit well with you, don't assume that all is well because you aren't getting phone calls that your kid is in trouble or because they aren't failing.  Sigh.  If you need help or someone to go with you, call me. 

Here is today's pic.  The stripes do accentuate the bump quite a bit....


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