Anatomy scan week!

Today I am 18 weeks and the baby is as big as a sweet potato (or a bell pepper, depending on which app I use).  Baby is mastering the art of the yawn and may begin hiccuping!  Baby's nervous system is developing more acutely as well, honing in on those five senses. 

My tailbone pain has eased off some (hallelujah!) however those round ligament pains have more than made up the difference.  I can feel my tummy stretching more and after two previous csections my muscles are not as up for the challenge.  I have started wearing a support belt sometimes, to help those muscles support my growing tummy, however I feel like the belt makes my belly look more like I have eaten far too much instead of the cute pregnant tummy.  It is kind of a no win...without it, I hurt, with it, I just look fat.  :(  But these are minor and I honestly can't complain much. 

Elliott is on snow day 23,556 (or #8 but seriously, it feels like a million) and all my children have done is fight.  Siblings.  They are out tomorrow for the cold and Friday we are taking both kids with us to the ultrasound.  Hopefully they won't be totally bored to tears and will find it some what fun.  Fingers crossed. 

Drew is still adamant that he is having nothing to do with the baby if it is a girl.  Sigh.  Matthew swears this baby is a boy....I am still leaning toward girl, but the closer it gets the more I doubt myself!  I want to hear your thoughts!  I am going to post the picture of this amazing tree that our dear friend Camille Worley drew for us.  Our plan is for everyone to add their pink or blue fingerprint to the tree as they come into the party on Saturday.  If you won't be able to make it, please leave a comment on the fb post letting me know your vote and I will have my kids add a print for you.  I am going to work on the "Old Wives Tales" board tonight, so I will post that later tonight or tomorrow to help (??) your decision.  :) 

I am literally so excited for this weekend that I could pop.  I get more anxious (good) and excited the closer it gets.  At the same time, I cannot believe that this pregnancy is already this far along and I am finding out gender.  Each passing stage is sad knowing that this is my last one.  On one hand I am excited to meet this new little one, but I am also sad knowing that this is the last time that I get to experience pregnancy and likely, the infant stage.  (Maybe one day we will foster or adopt, but we aren't there yet). 

So....boy or girl, let us know what you think!  We hope to see everyone on Saturday!  (And it looks like the weather is going to hold....hurray! ) 

I took the sweatshirt off...

 The awesome tree drawn by Camille Worley (Thank you!)


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