Week 14 and the lies they tell...

Week 14 means that baby is about the size of a lemon or your clenched fist!  Baby is doing much more movement, and I can feel it more evidently and he or she is using much more force than a couple of weeks ago.  Sometimes it catches me by surprise and makes me giggle.  Baby is also beginning to sprout hair...although, I doubt it will be much guessing from the other two. 

I am firmly planted in the second trimester now, according to all the "experts".  Supposedly I am supposed to feel so much better now than I did in the first trimester.  So far, I can tell you, that is a lie.  (Sorry to any First time expectant mommies reading this.).  I am still just as tired.  Yesterday I barely had the energy to pick myself up and get a few basic things done.  I managed to shower, cook dinner, and take the Christmas decorations down, and that was all I could peel myself up to do.  Also, last night and tonight both I had trouble with dinner sitting well.  I haven't been sick, but I just haven't been able to eat at dinner time.  I pray that this is not a sign of what is to come.  With Drew, I didn't start getting "morning sickness" until the late second/third trimester.  Let's hope for none of that. 

The current popular word in our home is "Coccyx"....which is the medical term for tailbone.  My hubby says if you say it loud enough with enough force it sounds like a swear word.  My kids laugh at my cushion and how sometimes I just stop walking and stand for a few seconds.  It is no joke you guys...it is SO painful!  Many of you have asked about it, what happens is your tailbone sticks out kind of like the right side of an "n", as the uterus grows and pushes on the top of the tailbone it shifts angle so the bottom of the angle comes more inward toward the body and the top of the angle is pushed out, away from the body.   Either way, it hurts....a lot.  It takes my breath away at times. 

Sleep is becoming more difficult, both in comfort and general insomnia, which is not helping the overall fatigue situation.  My glucose has been going lower than I prefer at night, which is something else that wakes me up, then I have to get that situated, then try to go back to sleep again.  Good times. 

Tomorrow Elliott goes back to school, which I have to tell you is a blessing and a curse.  She and Drew fight like cats and dogs and it will be good to give them some space back.  On the other hand, not having an alarm and not having to get up so early have been so nice.  Elliott seems to need SO much more attention than Drew.  We must constantly be playing with her, or watching her, or helping her with something.  I call it "attention deficit disorder" as in...she never gets enough attention.  I don't think she can play independently for one second.  She has also been having quite a bit of trouble lately with throwing temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way.  I'm not sure which friend she is learning this nonsense from, but they need to keep that at their house.  Fake crying is obnoxious. 

Drew is still adamant that he will only claim this baby if it is a boy.  Elliott is still hoping for girl.  I cannot wait to see their reactions to the actual gender....it will be epic! 

Drew has been sick the last few days with what my hubby refers to as "the man cold".  So much drama.  On the upside his voice is weak and raspy, so, things have been much quieter around here.  I fear that with the kids going back to school our odds of the flu increase exponentially.  I pray that people keep their sick kids home and I promise to do the same. 

Our week has been pretty quiet, which has been awesome.  I was magically awake for New Year's, although there was no celebration in this house.  Although, it was the first year for the Downtown London New Year's celebration so we got to listen to all of the "fun" people return to their cars, talk really loud, play loud music and make questionable choices...so, that was fun.  The joys of living downtown.  I don't have any real New Year's resolutions.  I would like to continue decluttering our home, cook more, and work with Drew to master all of his letters, but hopefully those will just become more routine now and not something I actually have to work at doing. 

Here are pics for this week: 

My belly.  So, I walked into a room today with a decent sized mirror and caught a glimpse of myself in my jammies and all I could think of was "wow, I don't look at all pregnant, I just look SO fat!"  Sigh.  It looks better in this pic, but what I saw this morning was rough. 

And my tailbone cushion or as my hubby lovingly refers to it "butt cushion". 


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