Week 15

Today starts week 15 and apparently I am 4 months pregnant, according to the "What to Expect" app and that seems impossible.  This pregnancy is going so quickly!  Baby is the size of a naval orange and its ears have moved close to position and it is able to move its eyes!  Baby is also trying out this whole kicking and rolling thing, which is becoming more frequent. 

I told someone this week that I worried every time I sat down to write this blog that I wouldn't have anything to say, and yet the words seem to always flow.  I want to remember my pregnancies and all the details surrounding them.  I find that there are things I barely remember about my other pregnancies and things that I thought were so different, apparently aren't that different after all. 

This last week (or two) my tailbone has been a special kind of hurting.  My cushion pretty much goes everywhere with me and sometimes even walking is miserable.  Last week I worked on reorganizing our home a little bit (nesting) and I moved all of the kids books from downstairs to upstairs to help give my kids some more space in their room.  Apparently carrying all of those books up the stairs was WAY too much for me and I could barely move for two days.  I am trying pretty much anything I or anyone else can think of to relieve the pain.  If you have ANY ideas, I would love to hear them. 

We have stopped naps with Drew, which has been GREAT for night time, however pregnant mama is struggling...haha!  Thankfully my hubby has been great and given me a little time each day to sneak in a few minutes.  Drew is obviously struggling with behavior, especially in the evening, which is to be expected.  Ironically, I actually have come to believe that Elliott needs a nap every few days.  She is more like me and requires more sleep to be a functional human being, where as Drew and Matthew require much less. 

Elliott is becoming more anxious to be able to feel the baby move.  She will lay her head on my belly and become very disappointed that she can't feel it move, then ask if I am able to feel it.  I keep telling her that she will be able to feel it in a few more weeks, but being patient is hard when you are 6.  Drew is still mostly indifferent, and still says no girl.  sigh. 

Tomorrow I have a check in with my regular OB and the nutritionist.  I expect nothing of note, which is the perfect kind of check up. 

These first set of pictures is me at 15 weeks pregnant with each of my babies.  You can compare!  Do I currently look more like my pregnancy with Drew or with Elliott? 


Pregnant with Elliott: 

Pregnant with Drew: 

And these pics are to show you just how attached Samson is to me currently.  haha! 


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