Growing pains!

Today starts week 16 and our little one is now the size of an avacado.  This week the baby is able to move its eyes, even though they aren't open yet, and since the bones in the ear are now in place it is likely that baby can now hear my voice!  Sorry baby...mama sings a lot! 

This week started rough with the tailbone, but has been some better in the last couple of days.  Today I even went to the library with NO cushion!  Amazing!  My lower abdomen has been uncomfortable the past couple of days but it feels like normal growing and stretching.  Baby is just making more room. 

My glucose has been a bit more consistent this week, which is great, but that being said I have had two big drops (one today) and those are no fun.  I was very thankful that Matthew has been able to help with the kiddos both times.  After I "recover" my glucose I get extremely tired.  Today I don't think I could have stayed awake not one more minute...which is no good with a sneaky four year old on the loose!

My anxiety has really ramped up this week as well.  I would love to be able to put my finger on what exactly is causing all of it, but truth is, it is just a little bit of everything.  I have been struggling with Elliott's school a lot this week and any time there is conflict of any kind my anxiety shoots up.  (Sorry mom, I was officially called into the principals office today, aren't you so proud?).  Elliott also came home today showing symptoms of a possible illness, so that's fun.  I knew it was only a matter of time.  I pray whatever it is passes quickly and doesn't take down other victims.  Matthew has also been more stressed lately which honestly only fuels my anxiety as well.  Matthew is generally the calm one in our relationship, so when he gets upset I feel it double. 

Drew and I are still finding a new routine.  Drew graduated speech before Christmas and now that Elliott is back in school everything feels different again.  We have some skills we are working to master and I need to start thinking about preschool for him in the fall.  This poor kid, he is getting a new baby and going to school all at the same time.  He will no longer be mommy's littlest, the center of attention and he has to go to school while baby gets to stay with mommy.  It will be a rough time for sure. 

I went to my regular OB last week as well as the nutritionist last week.  Both appointments went exactly as I expected that they would with no real hiccups.  The OB did have a hard time finding baby's heartbeat with the fetal doppler (totally normal for this stage of pregnancy) so she let me get a peek with ultrasound.  Baby was curled up toward my spine (so babys spine would have been toward the dr and blocking the heartbeat).  It was very sweet to see it sweetly curled up with mama. 

This next week will be quite a bit more challenging on the home front as we are traveling at least one day, and Matthew is traveling several more.  I have also heard the "Snow" word thrown around, but I am still pretending I didn't hear anything with that.  :) 

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