What a week!

Today makes 21 weeks in this pregnancy and baby is about the size of a banana.  This week we switch from measuring crown to rump to crown to heel.  Baby's arms and legs have reached a proportional stage.  Baby is also developing taste buds and I am sure he will let me know his thoughts.  haha.  Neurons are also firing together which makes baby have much more control and coordination over his movements.  Monday night (my birthday) we listened to baby with a fetal Doppler.  Matthew started playing with the baby by tapping on my tummy and we could hear baby boy kick him back.  It was so cute! 

This last week has been so full, I'm not sure where to start!  Last week we celebrated Valentine's day at home.  I took Elliott to ballet class while Matthew and Drew set up dinner.  They put out a table cloth, chargers and (battery operated) candles.  We were served fancy leftovers (haha!) while Drew was our waiter.  It was very sweet.  Saturday we went to a baby shower for our cousin and their soon to arrive baby boy.  I am so excited for them and can't wait for them to become parents...they will be great!  Afterwards, mom and dad kept our kids while Matthew and I did a little shopping and had dinner.  It was very nice to have a quiet meal without the kids.  Those times are rare, but nice when they come. 

Friday my bestie was passing through town and we were able to visit for a little bit.  We were able to capture a few pics of our kids (plus the bump).  We traded kid stuff (gear and clothing) which is great being able to trade things with other moms since so much of that stuff is only used for such a short amount of time. We had a nice visit, but in my opinion, those don't happen often enough nor are they long enough. 

Monday was my birthday.  Matthew was of course, out of town, Elliott ended up having a make up school day, so it was just me and Drew.  Poor kid, I drug him to the vendors mall and to big lots.  We spent the day shopping and running errands.  Below you will see his response to all of our outings while in the pick up line.  He didn't even wake up when Elliott got in the van.  hahaha.  After picking Elliott up from school we went and had her hair cut.  She had spring pictures today and I think her hair today is my favorite.  I even took a pic of her in her jammies just before bed.  In the next day or two I am going to get my hair done as well....hallelujah.  haha. 

I am experiencing a bit more soreness this week which is just baby boy growing and getting bigger.  He is kicking more and more.  Mostly he kicks my bladder or he is laying facing my spine so his kicks are very internal, but soon everyone else will be able to feel him too.  As of now, it would seem that he has days and nights confused, which is normal.  When one stops to think about it, during the day when you are up moving you are more "rocking" the baby to sleep and you are talking (and singing).  At night things get still where you are trying to sleep and baby isn't getting rocked and sang to, so he's up. 

My fasting glucose is still being stubborn so we increased it again this week.  My mealtime insulin still hasn't changed, but it is becoming more "testy" about how it works.  Sometimes when I think I have taken enough insulin my glucose stays higher and other times it crashes.  It is a big guessing game most of the time. 

This week we had a full moon and my kids were WILD.  Most of the school districts around us are closed the rest of the week for the flu, it is so rampant right now.  Laurel County is struggling to cancel for the flu because, of course, they would have to cancel the district basketball championship game.  Priorities.  I pray every day that we manage to avoid the flu.  I cannot imagine having the flu and being pregnant.  No thanks.  I did take Elliott to the peds on Monday (happy birthday to me) to check her ears out because she had been complaining.  Thankfully nothing seemed to be infected and our pediatrician is awesome and tried to get us in and out quickly since we weren't there with a plague. 

I know this is obvious to most of you, but it has been raining here for days.  Weeks.  Possibly months.  There is SO MUCH WATER.  There is no where else for the water to go.  Drains are full, creeks are full, ponds are full, the lake is full.   So much.  We are expected to get even more through the weekend.  Make it stop. 

Lots of pics this week...you're welcome! 

Mostly looking at the camera! 

Plus the bump

Shopping with mom is EXHAUSTING.

Pink tulips for my birthday!

 Birthday pie, yum!

Pretty girl with her fancy hair! 


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