I know many of you are very curious about what's going on...."it's the 22nd....shouldn't there be a baby??" Well...yes, but no. lol. The original plan was that I would be induced today - but that plan was with my original OB/GYN, who is out on an extended maternity leave. So the doctor I have been seeing has had to alter the plan. First of all, Baby Girl and I are fine. Both healthy, as far as we can tell. :) But I have the possibility of some complications so to avoid those, we have scheduled a c-section for Monday afternoon. It will be on Monday because that is the day that my current dr does surgery at the hospital and because the hospital has a rule that if there is no medical emergency, then the baby can't be taken until 39 weeks. :) Now, that doesn't mean that baby girl won't decide to come on her own...and that if she does that I can't deliver naturally, it just means for now, we are planning to avoid possible complications. :) So there ya go. Monday is the day....we think.
It's kind of funny, because now that we have this "definite" date and time, Matthew and I have a to-do list that is a mile long. If she had come a week ago, we were like "eh, whatever" but not anymore. We have plans to rearrange furniture, we have two grocery lists, I am frantically trying to keep up with the laundry because I know that I won't be able to make the trek downstairs for a while.....it's crazy! (Speaking of crazy, if you know me, you know I am OCD and have done my own laundry since I was 8....the thought of anyone else doing it just about pushes me over the edge. lol) I have made an appointment to get Samson into the groomer as well. I am not sure if we will get all of it (or any of it!) done before Monday, but we intend to try!! As part of my "nesting" I have made friends with my sewing machine. I am taking baby steps in this relationship and thought I would start with something easy. You can see my beginning work below. It isn't fabulous, but it's a start! (you will also see a pic of Matthew and his dad putting together the pack and play....if only there were sound effects...)
I am officially uncomfortable and ready for baby girl to get here. I haven't been sleeping well (some nights, not at all) and I hurt. I know I can't complain because this pregnancy really has been pretty easy, but I am ready for her to be out. I don't feel like my muscles (don't laugh) can hold her up much longer. Come on Monday!
5 more days and you learn her name.....
39 Weeks...or 5 days to go! |
My simple sewing adventure! - Bibs! |
How hard can putting together a pack n play be? |
So excited for you Jennifer! :) This blog will be such a treasure for your little girl one day.