She's here!

If you haven't already heard....

Elliott Grace Kimmons is here!  She arrived at 1:08 pm on Sunday, August 26th.  She weighed 7lbs and 7ozs and measured 19 1/4 inches long.  In other words.....she is PERFECT!

Saturday I woke up to contractions and we measured them throughout the day.  They were very consistant at 10 minutes ALL DAY LONG.  lol.  Finally, that night I gave up and went to bed, figuring that nothing was going to happen and that we would have the C-section on Monday as planned.  Well, at about 4:30 on Sunday morning the contractions were awful and down to about 7 minutes apart.  We called our doctor, but were told to go on to the hospital. 

When we arrived we were sent to triage.  They were unsure about whether to send me home to wait til the next morning, or to try and go ahead with delivery.  Baby Girl was the determining factor.  She wasn't very responsive on the monitor, so they sent us to ultrasound where they found that she was not responsive or really moving.  Because baby girl seemed to be having some trouble in there, the on call doctor (not my doctor who was on maternity leave, or my fill in doctor, who was playing piano at church) decided we needed to go ahead with the c-section.  So, about an hour later I was in the OR, and baby girl was delivered! 

She is absolutely perfect!  Matthew was allowed to go and help with the measuring and weighing, he was able to bring her to me and show me.  Then he held her as the doctors finished up with me.
My first visit with Elliott

Baby Kisses!

First family Photo

Happy Grandparents!  (They are learning her name here!)

 After some time in recovery we were transported upstairs and the grandparents got to join us....and meet Miss Elliott for the first time! 

Elliott has been a wonderful baby.  She has done very well with sleeping and eating, as well as checking all requirements off of the list!  We are very proud.  Last night was kind of rough, as poor baby is always starving...but even still, she has been wonderful.  Right now Matthew and Elliott are snuggled together on the sofa here in the hospital sweet! 

I am doing well, just sore...and tired.  lol.  Elliott is beautiful and perfect.  Thanks to all of you who have sent messages, called or come to visit us.  We love how excited everyone is about our little girl.  We will be going home either Wednesday or Thursday...not sure yet.  I can't wait for Samson to meet his sister!

Elliott, Daddy, and Great Grandpa

Daddy walking Miss Elliott

Elliott with Grandma and Grandpa

Elliott and friends!

Great Grandma singing to Elliott


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