10 pounds of baby in a 5 pound belly....

Or something like that.  lol.  When I went to the doctor today I found that I have lost weight again.  From the start of pregnancy to today, I am officially up 5 pounds.  Since baby girl weighed in at just over 7 last week...I figure that means I have lost weight.  Today I also feel that baby girl has less room in there.  I am not sure if she got bigger, I got smaller, or both, but I am super uncomfortable.  Every time she decides to move it is slightly painful.  Today as I was driving to the doctors office she was sticking her bum out on one side...I pushed her bum to move her out of that position so that I could drive and she promptly put it right back out there.  She is going to be "little miss independence", I can feel it.

 Matthew and I were joking at dinner about the #1 questions we were being asked these days.  For Matthew it is "So, do we have a baby yet?".  For me, it is "How are ya feeling?".  Chances are if you see Matthew and he isn't panicking, there is no baby.  And as for me.....you really don't want to know.  lol.  We have attended several "social" events this past week for various organizations around our new community, and it never fails, at some point during the event I stand up to go to the restroom (cause that's what I do) and someones eyes widen to the size of half dollars.  Yes, I am expecting, yes, soon, and yes, I am uncomfortable....I promise not to sneeze.  lol.

Yesterday I met with our pediatrician.  It was a great visit and I learned a lot.  It is amazing how much you must learn when having a child.  Not only do you learn about the child, but even about yourself, both as a person and physically.  (As I am typing, she is pushing her bum out again...)

So far no news on baby arrival.  We are still waiting.  Doctor is going to adjust our induction date, but we won't settle on that until at least next week.  In the meantime, I am secretly hoping that baby girl just decides to come on her own.  She has done everything else her own way in her own time, I figure why should this be any different. 

Today was Shelby Co. (and Hardin Co.'s) first day for students.  It is somewhat odd not being a part of the first day excitement.  My usual first day routine includes making sure all of our sweet little faces are properly tagged with color coded bracelets marking the appropriate bus or after school location.  It is usually very nerve racking as we never want to put a child on the wrong bus or send them to the wrong place.  But today there was none of that for me.  I didn't really miss it as I had enough to keep me busy, however I couldn't help but think of my friends meeting all of those smiling faces.  I loved seeing all of the "first day" pictures of the kids on facebook.  It is so fun to see how they have grown.  I will be a hot mess when this baby girl goes to kindergarten.  (Don't kid yourself, her daddy will be worse than me.)

Nursery decorative items are up, the shelves are straightened....I think it is ready!  Minus a few details, but those will be finished soon. 

Congrats to several of my friends who were able to deliver their sweet bundles this week!  So exciting to see all these darling new babies! 

37 Weeks

Daddy putting up the shelves

Working hard....
Third one...

Last one...
All of them are up!

Finished  Walls!

Storage cube
These letters are of course her initials....but I have done her entire name just like these to hang over the crib.  So excited to see what that looks like....


A print of her initials!  So cute!
Mommy is not the only OCD one.....poor baby girl.

Sammy isn't feeling well tonight.....so pitiful.  :(


  1. So excited for you! You look like you are handling pregnancy like a pro. :) Good luck with the upcoming delivery, I know you will do great as a mommy!



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