Full Term!

There is so much that I would love to share with you this week, but some of it may be shared later.  This week is 36 weeks so we are officially full term.  I am feeling "full term" as well.  If you remember from last week since baby girl failed her NST we were able to see her in ultrasound and found that she was head down.  This week not only is she head down, but she has dropped!  She usually uses my ribs to push herself around in there, but now her short little legs can't reach!  lol.  She is creating a lot of "pressure" for me and has made me rather uncomfortable.  Since she has descended she has also caused my right foot (yep, just the right one) to swell.  Today is a bit better than yesterday, but I am not loving the swelling.  I am in general far more uncomfortable and just about ready for her to make her appearance.

Yesterday we went to the doctor for the 36 week check up.  We did another growth ultrasound on Baby Girl and she is weighing in at around 7lbs and 2 ozs.  We went from the 95th percentile to the 84th....I'll take it!  lol.  It looks as if she will be a bit on the short side....and a bit chunky.  lol.  Just like her mama.  :)  Everything else looks great so now we wait.

I am getting very anxious about baby girl's upcoming arrival.  Anxious about the delivery and a little bit about how our life will change.  I am very excited....don't misunderstand.  We just have no idea what to expect.   I also have a few medical challenges that are going to make the delivery more....interesting.  So if you could, say a few extra prayers that those all work themselves out.  :) 

This week the nursery is almost complete.  All furniture is now in (see pics of our new recliner below).  I have finished a couple of the decorative projects I was working on....only a few more left.  The goal of this weekend is to get all pictures and shelves hung up and the nursery finished.   We packed our hospital bags this week.  I will probably change my mind a million times on what I am taking....but they are packed.  (Moms, you are welcome. )  We installed the carseat this week as well.  After we installed it, we went over to the State Police post to have them check it.  They have carseat check hours on Wednesday mornings from 8am-12pm.  We arrived at about 9:15 or so, to find Barney Fife and two of his finest outside the station.  They asked if they could help us and we told them why we where there.  The ONE guy who is certified to check the seats wasn't there of course...and neither of them had taken the course.  But they had kids....they were sure they could figure it out.  OH MY.  So Barney and Company went over to the car and checked our work and gave it their seal of approval.  I feel so much better now.  (Note:  Sarcasm) 

There are more and more changes each week.  Maybe next week baby girl will be here....maybe not.  :)  Love the name guesses....I heard rumor that some of the Sunday school classes are now participating.  So funny!  Keep them coming. 

36 Weeks...look how she has dropped!

Daddy and Sammy are trying out the new recliner.
Notice the swollen foot on the right....ugh.

Decorative birds I made for the nursery.

Checking out the new recliner.

Mommy working....belly = table. 

The mobile I made...all put together and hung up!

I made this too!

Wall hooks...I didn't make these.  :(

Peddlers Mall find...painted

He snuck into the recliner when we weren't looking...

Where is my sister?


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