This week (34) was rough....

I don't even know where to begin this week.  There has been so much going on and so many emotions that it is hard to put it all down here in words.  Let's start from the last post....

On Thursday we had our 33 week appointment.  Our doctor (not our original...but ya know) told us that everything was going well and that we shouldn't be concerned about anything...including baby girl's size.  Easy for her to say.  We have decided that worrying about it won't do us any good and we will find out more information at our 36 week appointment. 

Saturday, we had a joint bridal/baby shower with my cousin Ashley and her fiance, Dan.  We had the shower at my parents house.  It was great seeing all of the friends and family that came out.  Of course, there had to be a "glitch".  lol.  Just as almost everyone had arrived, the prayer was said, and Ashley and I were starting the food line, the power went out.  It was already a bit warm in the house and thankfully, it was pouring down rain outside.  So the majority of the shower was held with no A/C.  Whew!  Thanks to everyone who came and endured the heat with us!  We were very blessed at the shower.  Baby girl got so many cute outfits, handmade blankets, books and other goodies.  She will definitely be spoiled!  :) 

On Monday and Tuesday we went to baby classes at the hospital in preparation for our little one.  Monday nights classes were great, very helpful, and resourceful.  Tuesday nights classes however....

WERE AWFUL!  I cried all the way home.  lol.  The classes on Tuesday were on Stages of Labor, C-section/Induction, and Pain management.  I feel like I am pretty savvy when it comes to these, I have done research and talked to many friends about it.  These classes had too much information.  All they did were scare all of us poor pregnant women to death.  There was just too much info, too many pictures and videos that went into too much detail about things.  This is definitely one of those times where ignorance is bliss.  Before these classes I knew enough information to be dangerous....which is where I should have left it.  lol.  I know that women for thousands of years have been giving birth and in the end I will be fine, but one can't help but to be fearful on this side of things. 

On a funnier note...I have been meaning to write about this for a while, but keep forgetting.  (Pregnant brain).  Matthew had asked me in the beginning of this pregnancy if my belly button would turn from an "innie" to an "outie".  I told him that I really wasn't sure.  He has been joking that it is like a turkey timer and would "pop out" when baby girl was "done".  I didn't think that was too funny.  Well, most of you don't know that I have a large birthmark on my stomach, just above my bellybutton.  The birthmark is a large brown spot that is shaped like the continent of Africa.  Seriously.  Well, throughout the pregnancy Africa has been stretching and migrating northward.  Also, a few years ago I had my gallbladder removed and as part of that surgery I ended up with a scar inside my belly button.  That scar has also migrated to just above my belly button. I think Matthew may get his this pace in just a couple of weeks my "innie" may become an "outie".  lol. 

Thursday we go to the doctor.  I don't plan on learning anything earth shattering....just another check up. I hope.  :) 

Below are pictures of me at 34 weeks, the nursery updates, and the baby shower.  Enjoy!

34 Weeks....5 to go!

In Samson's world these two objects are exactly the same....oh no!
Samson helping Daddy put the dresser together

Daddy working on the dresser

Daddy working on the dresser
The mobile we purchased....I am not sold on it....
So I am working on making a is one part

Part of the handmade mobile I am working on...

More craftiness
*Most* of these are from the shower....

Baby Shower Cake!

Ashley and Dan....Bride and Groom to be!

It was raining...Matthew helped some people into the house


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