Weeks to go!! |
This week has been less eventful than last week....thankfully. This weekend we worked very hard on the house, trying to get curtains up, pictures on the walls, the nursery organized and things put away. It is nice having curtains and pictures up, there is still some work to do as far as that goes, but it makes the house feel much warmer and "homier".
This week something crazy happened. I agreed to teach part of band camp for a friend. What?!?! That's right, I am teaching afternoon sectionals (don't worry...it is in the air conditioned building....). It has been a very long time since I have been a part of marching band world. I am not sure if I have missed this world or not. I have realized that I don't miss the teenage girl drama. lol. Should be fun when baby girl reaches that fun age.
During week 34 I felt like Baby Girl had flipped to be head down. I have doubted myself over the past two weeks, as sometimes I feel like I am not so sure. We have also been going to the doctor once a week. While there, we get to participate in these wonderful experiences (note: sarcasm) called NSTs or Non-Stress Tests. These are where I get to lay in a recliner (which in general, I love) and get strapped to a monitor that records Baby Girl's heart rate while I control a button that I press when I feel her move or kick. The doctor looks for Baby Girl's heart rate to respond to stimulus, such as her moving or me...her heart rate is expected to stay elevated for such a duration of time. Well, last week it took forever for Baby Girl to "pass" the NST. She was very active, but her heart rate didn't reflect her movement. This week.....Baby Girl failed. :( This of course made Matthew and I very anxious. Today's appointment was early in the morning. Baby girl didn't respond to anything. They made me have a snack, get up and walk, roll over.....nothing. Her heartbeat was great and steady.....but she wasn't stimulated by anything. So, they sent me down the hall to get an ultrasound to see what Baby Girl was doing in there.
Baby girl was SLEEPING! lol. Seriously. The ultrasound tech looked for all the things she was to look for and Baby girl did really well....except for the last one. Baby Girl had 30 minutes to move 3 times. It took 24 minutes for her to move the first time....and not for lack of trying. I rolled to each side, the tech jiggled my belly, (boy was that fun!) and pushed here and there....and nothing. Girl was sleeping. She did not respond to anything that the tech or I did. Finally, baby girl did move just enough to pass and we didn't get sent to the hospital for further testing. Whew!
While we were in the ultrasound, we did get to see some really neat things. First, baby girl is head down. She is ready!! Second, while she was sleeping, she was holding on to her foot. lol. It looked really funny, but she never did let go. Third, she is NOT a morning person....just like her parents. Nothing woke her up...she was out. So, moral of the story....no more morning appointments. We will go in the afternoon. :)
Everything else is going very well. I am really tired, but that isn't anything new. I am finding it more difficult to do regular tasks....like going up and down stairs or doing a lot of chores around the house. I just don't have much stamina. I find this very frustrating. I also find that as baby girl grows larger that it is much harder for me to do simple tasks....such as leaning forward or bending over. lol. She expresses her displeasure with these tasks as well.
Matthew is becoming more anxious as well. He is very motivated to get things done around here and he is feeling the urgency of time. :) All of the nursery furniture has been assembled placed in the nursery and moved around the nursery. Stroller has been unboxed and put together, as well as the car seat. We have not installed the bases into the car yet, but plan to do so in the next few weeks. I have managed to launder all of baby girls clothing, blankets, bibs and the material covering things like the bouncy seat and swing.
We are working hard to get ready for baby girl's arrival. Next week is 36 weeks. We will have another ultrasound to measure her growth (pray for "normal" growth!) and they will also begin checking my progress toward labor. The doctor will discuss our "plan" for delivery. Whether or not baby girl sticks to "the plan" or not is a whole different issue.
I look more tired than I thought! Some people at church told me that I looked "lower"...I don't see it yet. |
Finished dresser with changing pad. I love the way it turned out! |
Crib with sheets! You can't see them really, but they are coral and white....so cute! |
This stuff will not be in the crib when baby girl gets here....don't worry. But look how cute! |
Horrible lighting.....but Matthew caught me working in the nursery. |
Don't think this is all of her clothing.....but it is a start! (The drawers in the dresser are full!) |
Cute hamper! |
If you check back a few posts, you will see this lighting fixture minus the flowers. I have added them. You can't see them well, but they are varying shades of coral. They really changed the look of this light fixture and add a "pop" of color! |
These are my peddlers mall finds. All of the shadow box shelves were white....but now two of them are coral! The shelves will go above the dresser on the wall. The other is a trashcan that started out a fun shade of yellow. Now it is a matching shade of coral! I am so excited! |
The canvas picture was a super find at Garden Ridge. $3.00! My mom found the shelf at Goodwill. I intend to re-line the baskets in a matching coral fabric. Coming soon.... |
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