Weeks 23 and 24...

So, last week I took the 23 week picture, but in the craziness, didn't write the post. lol.  Here is what's been going on in the last two weeks....

Week 23 was a crazy, crazy week.  I had, ahem, procrastinated - significantly - on my grad school final projects.  So, I spent HOURS in front of my laptop typing like a crazy woman until I was exhausted (not a stretch from the normal, I know) and until I finally gave up and called them finished.  Four papers and a poster project later, I'M FINISHED!!  I felt pretty good during the 23rd week....no complaints!  She is a wild child for sure, kicking, rolling and stretching over and over again, but I can't complain.  My (knock on wood!) round ligament pains seem to have subsided and now we are back to regular stretching and achy muscles, which is wonderful.  Matthew and I have registered for baby girl.  We have registered at Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, and Target. I "think" we have everything covered...but, who knows!  I am sure we have forgotten something. 

Week 24 has been interesting to say the least. First of all, grades were posted, and I am graduating with a 4.0!!  I know, I am just as shocked as the rest of you!!  This is the best I have ever done in school...not that I was ever a bad student, but I have never had ALL A's all the way through a particular level of school.  A couple of years, sure, but not the whole thing.  I am very excited. Matthew also completed all of the work (minus one paper) for his graduate degree as well.  This week also brought a turning point for other changes in our lives.  We announced at church this week that we will be appointed to Elizabethtown Memorial UMC as of this coming June. This change is bittersweet, as we love the church and community where we are, but we are excited about the future and the plan that God is laying out for us. 
    As far as the pregnancy is concerned, this week has been similar to the last week.  No pain, other than muscles stretching and aching.  No weird cravings or aversions.  I do feel as though she has "popped" out there a bit more and it is harder to get comfortable while sleeping.  I go back to the doctor next week - I hope that all continues to be just fine.  :) 

By the way, Baby Girl's initials are E.G.K.  Guess away....but we aren't telling.  :)


  1. You look so cute!! congrats again on a girl....they are so, so fun!


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