Answered prayers lead to more prayers?

If you were hoping for week 27 post, sorry.  This isn't it.  :)  I have another day before that happens.  lol.  Today, I need to "unpack" my heart a bit.  Most of you know that in just a few weeks Matthew and I are moving to E-town to begin the next chapter of our journey together.  First, let me say that we are super excited.  We know that God has big plans for us while at E-town and we can't wait to see what He has in store for us.  But this move has really had me thinking and praying lately.  Once we move, my "identity" changes.  I have been praying about this change, not that I am worried about it being a bad thing, but just that I find my new self in this new role.  Today on the way home, I thought to myself "so, when we move, I am gonna need to find a pool.." (Don't laugh....I might be preggo, but I still like the sun and the water...) But after all of that crossed my mind, I remembered that I really don't "know" any one in E-town.  I know there will be one couple at the church our age that we kind of know.....but...that is really it.  It's no fun to go to the pool by yourself.  So I prayed that God would help us assimilate into the new community. 

When I got home to day I did what any normal person does....I checked Facebook.  lol.  There was a message waiting for me from a college friend stating that she had gotten a letter from her church in E-town and she was excited to find out that Matthew and I would be joining them soon.  I kind of laughed because, I thought "Wow God, that was quick!" I guess that is God's way of telling me that it would all be okay.  (Not that I really doubted....)  :)

I began to think about college and my time there.  When I was in college, I was a rule follower.  I don't just mean, turn in all your homework on time, don't skip class kind of rule following.  When it came to my faith, I based it all upon the "rules".  Don't drink, don't watch "R" rated movies, no potty mouth words...etc.  So much so, that everyone around me knew what the "rules" were and cringed when they broke one of them around me.  At the time, I was fairly proud of myself, telling myself that I was doing something great for the kingdom.  Since graduating and spending time in the "real world", I have found that I was wrong.  Very wrong.  My faith is not about some crazy set of rules about how to live my every waking moment, it's about the relationships.  Jesus broke the rules...a lot of them, but He savored every relationship, so much so that He came to repair the relationship between us and God.

So, my original prayer of fitting into the new community has morphed into something much bigger.  Even though I am not ashamed of who I was, I hope that my "old" friends can see who I have become.  I don't want them to look at me and see the "rule follower".  I want them to see the more mature me, who longs for authentic relationships.  And as much as I secretly want this little girl that I am carrying to be a "rule follower" I long for her to learn how to have healthy and happy relationships.  I want to model that for her.  I want her to see what a Christ centered community looks like and how it functions, both within the walls of the church and outside.

  Not only are the upcoming relationships on my mind, but also the ones I will "leave" behind.  The last two school years I have made some very close friends and think these are some of the most "authentic" relationships that I have had.  These ladies and I will of course keep in touch and remain friends, but I will definitely miss seeing them everyday.  

Sorry for this diversion, but this is very much weighing on my heart today.  Thanks for sharing my heart. 


  1. Jennifer I had no idea you were moving! That makes me really sad! I will miss you. I know how you feel about moving I have moved more times than 1 to places where I knew no one and had no family at all. Starting out new can be really scary. Moving to Shelbyville was my worst move at the time but with God's help through many prayers I have grown to love the people here. My prayers will be with you and please keep in touch. Susan Craig


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