13 weeks left....

Ahhhh!  That is scary to write!   LOL.  This is week 26 (I will be delivering at least a week early... for all you math majors out there...).  This week has been very interesting as for as my development and baby girls.  First of all, I am pretty sure that baby girl has a temper.  A fierce one.  ( from her father, of course!) Baby girl does not like to feel constricted or have anything else invade her space.  For example, there shall be no tight fitting pants or skirts.  I am not to rest my arms on my belly.  Nor am I allowed to rest books or electronic devices on my belly.  To do so will result in ferocious kicking until said violation is removed.  It is hilarious.  She is still a night owl - sleeps during the day, crazy child at night.  Hopefully that will all change when she gets here.

Last week I had an appointment, as previously mentioned. I thought that I would wait three week to add a new medication, but I decided against waiting and went ahead and requested it.  I started taking it on Monday, and today I have felt rough.   Nausea, achy, and just all around icky.  lol.  Hopefully, I am just adjusting to the medicine and these symptoms will not stick around.  My belly is super achy but I am sure it is just because baby girl is growing bigger and stronger.  :)

This next week will be crazy only in  that school is winding down for summer.  We won't be quite finished yet, but all of the end of year festivities are in full swing.  :)  Oh....and we are packing....lots and lots of boxes.  SO fun!  :) 


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