Week 27...12 to go!

Today marks 27 weeks.  Shew.  Today (as seen in the picture) I wore a white shirt....all day I felt like the "Stay Puff Marshmallow Man."  Baby Girl is definitely growing and getting stronger.  Her kicks are now clearly visible from the outside.  Matthew and I crack up at night when I rest my Kindle on my belly and she kicks it off.  It is so funny.  I am pretty sure there are times when she does the bicycle in there.

This week I am craving sweets...not a good thing I know.   AND....I feel the need to eat...all.the.time.  I am sure when I go back to the doctor next week I am going to have gained a million pounds.  Other than the food thing, I am still feeling pretty good.  I have tried a few natural remedies for the foot cramps and that seems to have worked, at least for now.  My belly is a bit achy as baby girl is stretching.  The heat is having a much stronger effect on me than I thought that it would.  Normally, I LOVE summer.  I would much prefer the heat than the cold of winter any time, but for some reason, a little while in the sun = need looooong nap.  :)  The next few months should be fun!

So many of you are now joining in on the name guessing game!  You guys are very creative!  Keep the guesses coming!  This is so fun!


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