Anxiety is beginning to set in...

25 weeks and a big ole dose of reality and anxiety.  Really.  I am not sure what is causing more anxiety at this point....could it be:

#1.  The realization that we are now counting down (instead of up) until this baby girl has to come out of her current habitat. 

#2.  I had a doctors appointment today and at the end of that appointment I scheduled my next appointment for 3 weeks from which I realized that I would be out of school for summer.

#3.  With the realization of being out for summer comes the thought that I will not only be out for summer...but for (hopefully) at least a year.

#4.  Since I am going to be a mommy...I have to pack and move my classroom. 

#5.  AND pack and move my house.

#6.  Did I say pack and move my house.  Ugh.

These are all excellent blessings...but in telling my story to friends and co workers over the last week or so, I realized that I am completely losing my self in the months to come.  I am moving, becoming a mommy, and not immediately returning to teaching. Everything that currently "defines" me, will no longer exist...which is a very overwhelming feeling.  Some of you have said that it is great because I get to "redefine" myself, which is true....but who else would I be?  lol. 

Speaking of doctor, we had another appointment today, which was just a regular ol' check up.  Everything looks good.  I have gained three pounds (although, they did weigh me RIGHT after I ate lunch) and they measured my tummy for the first time.  25 weeks = 25 cm.  Perfect!  Doctor did tell me that I would probably have to add some new meds next time for other health conditions, but still good news.  She and I did also have a big discussion about the coming months.  My doctor is expecting as well, and is 9 weeks further along than I am.  So, I am beginning to gain concern for her ability to deliver this sweet girl when it's time.  My doctor reassures me that she will be back for me, although I am not so sure.  Doctor also told me today that because of my other health condition, that unless Baby Girl comes early on her own, that I will most likely be induced about a week before my due date.  So the countdown counter = 14 weeks.  HOLY COW!  This puts things even closer for my doctor to return in time.  Please say a few prayers. 

This past Sunday was Mother's day.  Some call it my first one, some say not.  Either way, it was very interesting.  Our sweet church threw a surprise baby shower for Matthew and I (mostly for Baby Girl.  :)  )  Their kindness and generosity is overwhelming.  They even invited both sets of our parents, our D.S., and called Matthew's grandparents to include them in the plans.  This sweet girl is already spoiled rotten.  She will definitely be very well dressed.  A special "Thank You" to everyone who participated.  It was a very wonderful and amazing day.  BTW - since it was a surprise for us...we didn't have a camera.  If you have any pictures, we would love to have them for our scrapbook. 

I received my diploma in the mail this week!  So, what does that mean?  I am FINISHED! - with a 4.0 no less!  I am super relieved and glad to have that finished before Baby Girl gets here.  Matthew graduates this Saturday.  I am so excited for him!  He has worked so hard (96 hours!) for this degree.  Woohoo!!

I am feeling really good this week.  My feet are doing this weird thing where they cramp all. the. time. I asked the doctor about it she gave me the age old advice of "tough it out."  lol.  That is why I love her.  Baby Girl is growing and her movements are becoming more pronounced both in my belly and looking at it from the outside.  The other day we spent about 10 minutes "playing".  She would kick and I would was so neat to interact with her like that!  I am craving more "sweet" stuff...specifically chocolate.  :) 

All of the guesses about Baby Girl's names are so much fun!!  I love hearing them, so keep them coming!  Remember, her initials are E.G.K.  :) 


  1. No matter what your "role" is- teacher, wife, daughter, mother, student (the list will continue to expand during your entire life)- Who you are is: Jennifer Leigh Peterson Kimmons- the special child of God who has many gifts to share with all of us! Enjoy exploring all the life journeys God has for you- sometimes you will be surprised at the wonderful gifts you didn't know you have!!! From one who loves you and is so glad you are part of our lives!!!

  2. I remember feeling the exact same way at 25 weeks. I remember talking to my mom and saying I am counting down now, not up and being very anxious about everything. But in the end everything was perfect and ready for our little one. I am happy to see you are enjoying your journey and hope you and yours are all doing well! :) Natalie


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