Week 17

This week has been crazy.  Between grad school midterms, a HUGE program at school, and my upcoming change at work, I am unsure if I am coming or going.  I have been incredibly tired this week, the round ligament pains have been excruciating, and my legs are very sore.  It is amazing how before I was pregnant I could have a week like this, take an extra nap, and keep going, but now, I am down for the count.  I may or may not be able to move tomorrow.  lol. 
We went back for a check up with the doctor this week.  Everything still looks great!  Woohoo!  My doctor is awesome and worked some magic to get us into an ultrasound as well.  It wasn't scheduled, so we really didn't think there was a shot of that, but she got us in.  We were so pumped.  I couldn't sit still before we went in!  I kept thinking that we would know if our sweet baby was a boy or a girl, and we would know what to call it!  But alas, our baby is just like us - stubborn.  It ever so sweetly curled up in a little ball and crossed it's legs.  No sneak peaks for us!  Little stinker!  So we still have no more information.  We go back on April 19th to try again.  Let's hope baby is more cooperative! 
Other than my exhaustion and round ligament pains I feel really good.  No more sickness of any kind.  Baby is becoming more active, and if Matthew places his hands on my belly, he says he can feel it moving.  It has been very need feeling the baby move around and begin kicking with a bit more force. 
This next week *should* be a bit calmer and should be a chance for us to rest and catch our breath a bit.  Thanks for all of your prayers and support.  We are getting very anxious to learn more about our little one...and we can't wait to share more with you!


  1. I had no idea about this "upcoming change," but I'm happy for you, now that I do know. :) I am sad that I really don't see you at all now though! :(


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