Holy Cow! Are you SURE you aren't having twins? And other things to deflate a preggo girl's self esteem...

I must be approaching Hindenburg status, because this week I have heard it all in relation to my ever growing belly.  I think if I were a skinny girl hearing all of this, it wouldn't quite have the same effect.  But as someone who has always been a "chunky" girl....it's kinda rough hearing people comment on my size.  As far as we know, there is only one little cutie in there.

This week I have had a monster sinus infection...it has been rough.  Thankfully, no more morning sickness or nausea.  I have almost kicked the sinus infection....almost.

We did brave the Little Treasures Consignment sale today.  We picked up a few things, but not knowing gender makes those outings a bit harder.  I am on the lookout for an Easter dress a much more difficult task when pregnant.  :)

Matthew and I have been discussing names at length this week.  I *think* we are settled, but as many times as we have changed our minds....that could be up for debate.  lol.  By the way, we aren't sharing names. That is the one thing that will be our little secret.  Suggestions are always welcome....

This next week is going to be a very difficult one.  I have midterms in my grad class, 5 more reports due for my grad class, I have the biggest performance of the school year in two weeks, and a super big project due in two weeks as well....sleep might have to wait for two weeks.

If you could, pray for my uncle Paul and his wife Kaye.  Paul is having some serious medical issues and could use all the prayers you can give.


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