18 Weeks

So, I just realized that in this weeks picture I look REALLY tired, but honestly, I feel great.  So, never mind the dark circles and the washed out color...I'm good, it has just been a long day!  So I have hit week 18 and things are going well.  I weird sickness, no terrible round ligament pains this week, but I am still eating like a crazy woman...probably because the baby has obviously hit a growth spurt.  I have felt the baby moving like wild child this week....although today has been very quiet.  I have told myself not to worry....because we could just be growing more in there....
Many of my friends who are also expecting are finding out what gender they are having.  We tried last week, but the baby didn't cooperate.  I am getting very anxious to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  Many of you have expressed your opinion this week...and I love hearing it!  Three more weeks.....Three more weeks....
Tomorrow I am "getting my hair did" and I am sooooo excited!  I am going with a cut that will hopefully be easy for this pregnant girl to "fix" in the mornings.  Well, that is the plan any how. 


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