Week 16

The weeks seem to be going by pretty quickly....maybe it's because we are crazy busy, or maybe....no, probably just crazy busy.  I am feeling SO MUCH better this week!  My sinus infection is mostly gone and it has taken the nausea with it.  I have been having some other pain that I plan on asking my doctor about next week, but it seems to be pretty normal.  This week I am STARVING.  True story.  I have been eating a lot. I mean, I have been eating good stuff, because I have to...but I eat a lot of it.  Should be interesting to see if/how much weight I have gained this time.
Foods I currently love:
Macaroni and Cheese
Kraft Singles (more cheese)
Chocolate (Sugar Free of course!) pudding

I am still super tired.  Last night I feel asleep on the sofa around 9:30pm.  I woke up at 4:00 am.  My husband said he tried to wake me up 4 times, to no avail.  I was still in my work clothes.  Ridiculous.

This week I have a super large program going on at school.  I love seeing all of the families coming out to see how their kiddos are involved in the arts at school.  The kids are sooo excited!  I am excited too....but overwhelmed.  There is so much work that goes into a program like this.  I thought it was hard in years past, this year is super hard being pregnant.

We go back to the doctor next week.  We are going to try and negotiate an earlier ultrasound.  We will see how that goes.  If you haven't voted boy or girl, make sure you do!  I love seeing the votes come in.  Also, if you have name suggestions we would love to hear them!



  1. What style of names do you like? I loved the www.behindtename.com website for meanings and historical information. Plus their database is just huge. :)


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