Week 14 Update

This week was rough.  They (being friends and the trusty internet) tell me that the second trimester is the best.  Well.....they lied.  So far I am FAR more exhausted and have even struggled with nausea a bit.  This week between the exhaustion, the CrAzY hormones (think tears, lots of tears), and my second 5 day work week since December, I am ready to pretend this week never happened and start again next week. lol. 
Many of my coworkers this week have commented and began rubbing the belly.   They say I have really "popped" out there this week.  You can see from the picture below that, well, it's true.  Other than being so tired and a bit queasy in the morning, all is well.  I am finding that I do love dill pickles (I might have had 3 at lunch...) and I really want a big candy bar....which of course is a big no no.  I am getting very anxious to find out if baby is a boy or a girl.  Did I say anxious, cause I think I might just explode.
I loved reading about all of the things that I should and shouldn't get for baby.  If you have more suggestions, keep em coming.   OH, and don't forget to vote!


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