33 weeks and a day late

At 33 weeks baby is roughly the size of a butternut squash, weighing somewhere around 4.5 pounds and near 17 inches long.  Baby is opening and closing his eyes and is working on developing his own immune system.  The "What to Expect" app says that since there is now more baby than fluid in there the uterine walls are becoming thinner and he should be able to tell night from day....but I don't believe one second of that!  haha!

This week started my 2 a week appointments, which consist of biophysical profiles (or BPP).  During the BPP baby boy has 30 minutes to practice breathing, kick, and move around some.  They also measure my fluid to make sure all is well.  Baby is actually giving me flashbacks to when I was pregnant with Elliott.  Monday I traveled to Louisville earlier in the day and I gave him quite the concert in the car, which he did NOT seem to appreciate so I thought by the time we got to the ultrasound that he was just worn out and sleeping.  Today my appointment was much later in the day, but he still wasn't moving around much, even though it was closer to his active time.  He refused to show his face, instead he had his hands and feet in front and was playing with his toes.  With Elliott, she began to move less and less because she was tangled in the cord.  Here's hoping this one isn't tangled too. 

I am beginning to check more things off of my "get ready" list.  Today I had a couple of things to run by Dr. Buck.  Did I mention that she is awesome?!   Matthew has been concerned because my csection is scheduled for noon, which for a diabetic girl is awfully late.  I know that between the high risk OB, nutritionist, and Dr. B that it will be fine, but he worries.  I told her about his concern today and she is going to have them check the OR schedule for that day and if there is an earlier opening she will schedule me at that time and move her patients in office.  WHAT?!?  I love her.  It may not happen depending on OR, but I love that she is even willing to mention it. 

This week has been fairly difficult here at home.  I won't go into details, but there has been lots of extra anxiety floating in our house.  The kids seem to sense it as well and seem to be a bit more "wound up" these days.  Elliott is nearing the end of school and honestly, I am not sure who is more ready for her to be out....her or me.  Probably me.  Between the 2 dr visits a week, Elliott's end of school activities, upcoming dance recital, Matthew's work/school my pregnant brain CANNOT keep up.  It is so hard to get everything scheduled and arranged and make sure that the kids are covered while either he or I is traveling.  Poor Drew has been a trooper these last couple of weeks as I have been helping fill in some of the gaps with Matthew and some things at church and my dr appts where is left to hang out with Matthew.  Elliott is struggling with her need for attention. 

Yesterday I watched a friends infant son while she went to have a little mommy time.  My children were all over me like leeches.  I am a wee bit worried about what it will be like when this child comes out.  I know yesterday was kind of a novelty thing where we got to play with a cute baby that was old enough to smile and interact a little, but it was very obvious that my children are going to struggle with Mommy and Daddy giving attention to the baby.  Yikes. 

My glucose is still struggling a little, especially at night.  I keep telling myself that it is only a few more weeks of that struggle.  The iron supplements have taken effect and I have more energy throughout the day and am able to get more things done, however they are causing me headaches (not migraines) which is not a welcomed side effect.  Dr. Buck and I talked about what the goals were for the iron and basically said that I need to build my iron up since I am slightly low, to plan for how much I will lose in the csection, which makes sense. 

Monday's ultrasound is a growth ultrasound where they will measure baby boy.  Hopefully he is still in the nice average range.  They do those every four weeks, so I will likely only have one more growth ultrasound after Monday before the baby comes.  The end of pregnancy is coming quickly! 

Here are some pics from this week...

33 Weeks! 

I tried to capture this really sweet moment where Drew was holding Elliott's hand while they were in the shopping cart.  

Samson has also been quite snuggly with me... 

I couldn't remember if I posted a pic of the pillows I made for the boy's room...


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