31 Weeks!

We are at 31 weeks!  So hard to believe and I am pretty sure these last few weeks are going to fly by!  According to the "What to Expect" app baby is as big as a coconut this week.  Weighing around 3.2 pounds.  Last week at our ultrasound he weighed 3 pounds 2 ounces.  This week he is getting stronger, growing more brain cells and working to develop those senses.  Last week we also saw him taking a few practice breaths, which he will continue to do to help develop those lungs and muscles. 

We are officially scheduled for delivery, July 1st, at 12pm.  I am a little disappointed that it is so late in the day, I am more of a get it done early person, and a diabetic at that, so I would prefer earlier, but you know, you take what you can get.  So, if either of our parents are reading....you are going to be on food duty.  Seriously.  haha. 

This week I have worked to start getting things ready for little man.  I washed the newborn clothes and I have to tell you...they are SO tiny!  Even more, I remember some of those things being huge on Drew.  It is amazing that they come out so small but grow so quickly! I have picked outfits for pictures (him, of course) and I thought I had his coming home outfit, but then I started thinking...which is never good. There is a decent chance of us coming home on July 4th, and the outfit I have picked is adorable, but not 4th of July.  So, I may keep looking.  (Also, parents, NO please don't you buy anything....this is something I want to pick out....thanks).  I ordered hats for him and they came in this week, I just need to put his name on them.  I have started packing his diaper bag and I have started to think about what things I want to take with me too. Things are starting to get very real. 

Several people lately have started to ask me if there is anything that we need and truthfully, there isn't much.  The only things I can say is diapers and formula.  I have no brand preference on diapers, if they catch the poop, I'm good.  Formula we use Similac Advance.  There are still a couple of small things that we will be picking up, but honestly, we are pretty good.  Right now it is a matter of washing and sanitizing all the things we have been given or have purchased. 

Last Friday, the day after my appointments, I was struggling.  I felt like I could hardly move and honestly, slept quite a bit that day.  Late in the afternoon I received a phone call from my OB's office informing me that my iron is low and they were starting me on supplements.  Aha!  That explains it.  So hopefully as those take effect I will feel a bit better.  I honestly thought it was because I was  months pregnant, I was so relieved to find out there was something more!  My glucose is still acting strange.  Falling hard at lunch time, struggling to budge at night.  9 more weeks. 

Baby boy is getting stronger and obviously still prefers night time.  He is a busy little guy at night.  I hope we will be able to straighten that out quickly after he arrives.  I had a dream the other night that I was drinking coffee.  I am not a coffee drinker, but if he stays up all night and Drew gets up so early in the morning I might have to convert. 

In two weeks I begin going to the dr twice a week for ultrasounds.  I still think this is a bit excessive, but they have protocols and rules they have to follow, so, we do what we have to do. 

Elliott is winding down the school year, which in first grade means not doing a whole lot.  She is also getting ready for her dance recital.  This week we toured a couple of preschool options for Drew. I think he is excited at the thought of going to school, mama is not sure she is ready.  haha.  Pray for us as we figure this out. 

The picture tonight is from the "All daughters banquet" at church.  (taken at home, but dressed for the event) and I was able to get a pic with Elliott while at the dinner. 


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