Woah, oh! Halfway there...

You know you sang that...and likely at least the next line.  ;)  Today marks 20 weeks, which is halfway through the pregnancy.  According to the "What to Expect" app this week baby boy is roughly the size of a mango, weighing 10 ounces and measuring about six and a half inches from crown to rump. 

While I am thankful to be this far along and grateful that this pregnancy has been relatively easy, I am also very sad. Many would say that the sadness is simply pregnancy hormones, but it is much deeper than hormones.  With each passing day of this pregnancy I come closer to the end of this phase of life.  This is my last pregnancy.  The last time I will hit 20 weeks.  The last time I get to feel these baby kicks from the inside.  While I am SO exited to meet this little boy, I dread the end of this pregnancy knowing I will never get to have this experience again.  Words cannot fully express my emotions but it is easy to say that I am more than overwhelmed. 

Speaking of kicks baby boy has been kicking my bladder quite a bit this last week.  I don't think he likes the full bladder invading his space.  He seems rather particular about his space, which may not bode well for the rest of us once he is out of the confines of my belly.  Haha.  Today he turned dramatically and Drew was able to feel his kicks.  It was so sweet to see Drew's reaction to feeling him, he was totally surprised!  I tried to get Elliott to be able to feel him, but he wasn't cooperative.  Any day now she should be able to feel him too. 

The flu is going around here something awful and I continue to pray that we don't get hit with it.  Elliott complained a little tonight, but I couldn't find anything that made me think she was coming down with something. 

My glucose has been a little all over the place this week.  Yesterday was a particularly bad day and I ended up sleeping through quite a bit of it.  They have been adjusting my insulin to keep up with the hormones and it is hard finding that new normal again.  Today was better.  This is usually a time of big hormone adjustment so I hope to ride it out and things not to get too out of hand. 

Someone at church asked Matthew and I about our Valentine's day plans.  I laughed.  I told them that we would be shuffling one to ballet class and eating fancy leftovers for dinner.  Haha.  Life with kids.  Matthew asked if there was anything I was hoping to get for Valentines day, I told him I would like another pair of maternity yoga pants and a pair of maternity leggings since I have officially expanded past my regular ones.  The romance is real!  hahaha. 

Here is a look at the 20 week bump.  He is growing!


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