22 Weeks...

This week we have reached 22 weeks and baby is now about the size of a spaghetti squash or small doll and is finally over a pound!  Baby is fine tuning its senses including vision, hearing and grip.  His kicks are becoming more frequent and quite a bit stronger and if you catch him at the correct moment you can not only see his kicks but you can feel them too.  He likes to face my spine, so many of his kicks are very internal, which is frustrating to Elliott. 

This week has been far less busy than last week, but I haven't felt as well.  My sinuses have been hurting quite a bit, along with my ear.  I thought for sure yesterday that I was working on a sinus infection, but I do feel better today.  Not much you can take while pregnant, so you just kind of have to ride it out.  The flu is still rampant here and I am trying to avoid being out too much.  I did take Drew to the library today, but the lady sitting next to me was coughing something awful so I had to get up and leave the group.  My inner "Sheldon" came out and I really just wanted to spray the world with lysol, so instead I used a ton of sanitizer on Drew and myself hoping to ward off the plague.  Drew did take a nap today (which is rare) and he was rather "dramatic" in the tear department tonight, so I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. 

I have gotten many more comments this week from people I know about how "pregnant" I look.  I'm not sure what that means.  On Sunday we went to lunch and there was a wait.  There is a galley style waiting area with seats on both sides.  When those waiting saw that I was coming it was like a parting of the red sea and two gentlemen got up to "make room" for me.  I mean, I'm only 22 weeks....I'm not THAT big yet.  Matthew calls it the "parade float"effect.  I walk in and all the eyes look at my tummy and they just stare.   haha. 

I go back to visit all of my doctors tomorrow.  I don't expect any changes with my glucose this week, in general my numbers have been really good.  I do anticipate them running a new a1C so here is hoping things still look good.  I will also have a repeat ultrasound to check out baby boy's heart.  At the last ultrasound (18 weeks) his heart wasn't big enough/developed enough to see it all in the ultrasound.  We should be able to double check and make sure everything looks good tomorrow. 

Last thing tonight:  several of my extended family members have big medical things going on tomorrow and since so many of you are so faithful in praying for me, I ask that you pray for them tomorrow.  Help them get through their big situations.  :)  Thank you. 

Someone was a bit jealous....

22 Weeks

Daddy practiced doing her hair tonight (since I won't be home in the morning....didn't he do well?!)

First spring flowers! 

This week would have been Grandma's birthday.  Happy heavenly birthday! 


  1. I think the pregnancy comments from strangers are probably their just wanting to be included in what is obviously a "big" event in your life. They just don't know what to say so they say something awkward; I've been there lots of time as you know. Sorta like how everyone wants to pat the new baby's head just because they love little ones and are so happy for you. I think you look great and can't wait to see this new little one.


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