19 weeks and it is a BOY!

Sorry I'm a day late...I may be in the second trimester but the exhaustion has not let up.  I ended up going to bed instead posting. 

If you missed our big reveal party or video, Baby Kimmons is a BOY!  We are thrilled and so excited to meet him!  Drew is over the moon about it and tells everyone he is getting a brother.  Elliott is not as excited.  I think she will warm up to it, especially when he gets here.  One day she will appreciate that she gets to have a room to herself while the boys share and she gets to keep her girly things to herself.  Several people have asked me if I am doing okay with the fact that baby is a boy....yes!  I am GREAT with that!  haha!  I have often wondered how I am going to survive the drama and sass of one girl, much less two!  God knows exactly what He is doing!  We won't share baby's name, but his initials are DMK.  :) 

Baby D is about the size of a tomato this week.  The biggest developmental thing this week is that baby is developing the vernix, or the white greasy/waxy covering on the baby that protects its precious skin from the amniotic fluid.  Last week during our anatomy scan we were able to take a good look at baby boy and everything looked perfect!  We could not see all parts of his heart, simply because it was still a bit early, but everything else looked exactly like it should which is always such a relief. 

During pregnancy hormones get a little books around 20 weeks, I think mine are getting a head start.  We had to up my insulin some last week and I am sure that we are going to have to adjust it again this week.  All of this is completely normal but obnoxious at the same time.  Just when I think that I have it under control, hormones change everything again. 

My tailbone is hurting less but the round ligament pain has increased.  My OB simply laughed and said that of course those pains get worse with each baby...yay.  This week I have also felt baby boy kick a bit more.  Two or three days this week I noticed that when my bladder is full he likes to kick it...it is a new toy!  haha.  He also doesn't like it when I lean forward or push on him.  I'm thinking he might not be a swaddle baby....


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