Holy Week

This week is Holy Week in the life of the church.  I love Holy Week and the somber reflection that comes with this week. Baby Kimmons has had an interesting week with all of the church services. I had the privilege of rehearsing and playing with the Baptist church for Good Friday, to which the baby was highly responsive. I hope that it is a musical child. It seemed to like the music and was dancing or something in there! We also had a Maundy Thursday service to which Baby K seemed to love all the singing as well. 
    Obviously, this has been a very busy week and I am exhausted.  The tired feeling has definitely not gone away, in fact, it may be even more intense.  I have been super achy this week as things seem to be growing and shifting even more. We had a bit of a scare yesterday, but after being all checked out, everything seems to be fine. Thank goodness!  ( Sorry for any of you that I scared while at work!) 
   I am having a few cravings this week, but unfortunately, I am craving things I can't have.  I really want chocolate - and lots of it!  (no, sugar free is NOT the same...and has adverse effects on the body)  I also want a big ole Oreo Blizzard. 
   We try again to find out gender in less than two weeks now.  I am getting very anxious to know.  That is now the first question that everyone asks.  We have been visiting baby consignment sales and have seen some super cute clothing and bedding...but without knowing gender there is no way we could shop.  :(   Did I mention I want an Oreo Bizzard?
   I know that many of you that read my blog are the praying kind, if you would please say a prayer for a friend and her baby.  They have recently found that the sweet baby has a rare genetic disorder, and that things are very uncertain.  I cannot imagine hearing those words, and more than anything I would need strength, so please pray for the baby and for her parents as they will need strength and wisdom in the days ahead.  Also, please pray for the uncle I mentioned a few weeks ago.  He and his wife need strength as well. 

As we get closer to finding out the gender of our sweet baby, don't forget to vote!  I am getting super excited!  (And not one of you offered name suggestions.....it isn't too late!) 


  1. I missed the scare...what happened? Hope everything is all right. What's your style preference on names? Old-fashioned, more popular and modern names? It's always hard to suggest for someone else! :)

  2. You look marvelous! I think if it's a girl... Delilah (to go with Sampson) Really, isn't that the obvious choice? :-)

  3. We have been joking about Delilah! lol. But Matthew says that because she wasn't a "good girl" we can't name our daughter that. We have a few names picked out...but love hearing others suggestions...no style preference really. Just curious!


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