18 Weeks

This past week has been a really busy one around the Kimmons' household.  We have begun the purging/packing process which is always overwhelming, but we also "attempted" a yard sale today...which got rained out.  Of course a few minutes after we closed it down, the sun came out and the birds sang.  Really?  We will try again another weekend.  You would think that this being our fourth move we wouldn't have so much stuff to purge, but sheesh.  Where does it all come from? - and we had a baby.

On Monday I had a visit with my DE.  I was her first appointment of the day, 8am.  Well, she didn't bother to come into work until 8:45.  What?!?!  While I was waiting for her to grace me with her presence her assistant was talking to another patient on the phone who had called in saying that she was running late.  The assistant told her she would have to call back and reschedule her appointment.  Really?! I bet if the DE came to work on time she would have time to work her in. So I was already highly annoyed.  She changed nothing and rushed me out the door. Which only adds to my disgruntledness.  Then at about 6:30 PM (ya know, dinner time) the girl from the pump company called me telling me I was to be at a pre-pump class on Wednesday...of this week.  Ummm?  No.  I already had plans.  Then she informed me that I could come to the one next week.....which happens to be at the same time as my anatomy scan.  So I told her I couldn't do that either.  She told me I would have to reschedule the anatomy scan.  WHAT?!?!  Ummm. Absolutely not.  Making sure that my baby is growing and doing well is WAY more important than that class.  So, I was rather grumpy the rest of the night.  I am in no way rescheduling the scan, and am debating the pump thing.

On Tuesday I had an appt with my regular OB - Dr. Buck.  I LOVE her.  She came in and we listened to the baby's heartbeat and we chatted.  She asked me about my insulin and I told her the short version of what was going on....that I am always low and spending most of my days in recovery, and am miserable.  She encouraged me to talk to Dr. Tabb - the high risk OB.  She said that every patient that she sends to that office comes back on insulin...and she isn't really sold that ALL of them need insulin.  So I am going to talk to him about my concerns and at this point I am not sure if I am going to go on the pump or not.  I have been steady (low) for 4 weeks.  I know that pregnancy is crazy and that can change at any time, but I feel like what we are doing right now is more than working.

On Wednesday we went to a Louisville Bats game with some district clergy.  We took Elliott, knowing that it could be a disaster.  She did great!  We lasted through the whole game and we all had a good time!  So fun!
Elliott has really grown attached to her dolls this week.  She has two "Nee" and "Nesis".  Nee gets carried around throughout the day and gets put in a variety of interesting situations.  Nesis sleeps with her.  She is currently in her crib singing to Nesis.  Adorable.

This coming week is a big week!  We will have the anatomy scan!  Woot woot!  This means that Matthew is going to find out the gender.  Elliott and I are waiting until we have a birthday/gender reveal party on Friday.  We have already decided that Matthew is going to wear blue and I am going to wear pink.  I will have no idea what the gender is, but Matthew will know but I don't want him to give it away until Friday night.  Matthew has a birthday this week as well as our friend Melissa.  So we will celebrate their birthdays as well.  I cannot wait to find out the gender of this little one.  I think we have almost settled on names for both genders.  I think. Maybe. lol

Today I have felt the baby move a little more and at one point I was even able to see my stomach move with the baby.  It is so exciting.  That is definitely my favorite part of pregnancy.

So, you only have a few more days to get your guesses in...boy or girl?!?  :)


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