17 weeks

This week has been crazy.  Matthew went to Orlando for the Exponential conference.  Elliott and I didn't go this year because I knew that my sweet girl would not have any interest in sitting through any sessions and lets be honest, I'm pregnant and it is hot.  lol.  So he was gone from Monday and was supposed to get home on Thursday but didn't make it until Friday.  So I did the single mom thing all week along with babysitting.  All that would have been fine, but my blood glucose (BG) is still running low, which is killing me.  Being tired from being pregnant is hard enough, but when your body is in constant recovery from low BG it is even harder to function.

Yesterday I could hardly move because of my back.  I think baby is growing and shifting and my body is having a hard time keeping up.  I remember feeling this way with Elliott, but it was MUCH later in the pregnancy.  Although, I haven't had the terrible round ligament pain....I am waiting for that.  I don't remember when that started for me, but I know it was somewhere near this part of pregnancy.  (Any friends have experience with that being better or worse the second time around?  Cause I am pretty sure that was worse than labor pains the first time around...whew!)

Today was overwhelming in that we announced that we are moving in June to London, KY.  UM pastors are itinerant, and we know that moving is a part of our calling.  So, this year it is our turn again.  (Many have joked about the correlation of me being pregnant and moving.  ha!)  We have made such great friends here that it makes it hard to leave, but we know this is part of God's plan and that good things are happening in London.

Elliott has picked up what seems like a million new words this week.  Some require a mommy translator (even for daddy) and some are as clear as day.  She has been so fun to watch and play with today.  One day this past week when I had Maddison she got her baby (Nee) and was imitating what I did with her baby.  Every time Maddison cries Elliott informs me that she needs a "bow wel" (bottle). lol.  If she could only open the refrigerator she wouldn't need me.  lol

Baby bump is growing.  If I lay really still at night sometimes I can feel movement.  I am pretty sure that by now with Elliott I felt movement pretty consistently.  I felt movement at 8 weeks with this baby, but it comes and goes. We find out gender in about two weeks.  I am so excited I could pop.  Most of our friends are on team blue.  Matt says girl.  I am undecided.

This week I visit the DE and my regular OB.  I am dreading meeting with the DE cause I usually leave there stressed out and angry, but I am ready to see Dr. Buck to find out how my little bit is doing in there.  Other wise, Elliott and I don't have much going on this week.  Matthew of course, will be busy with a million meetings.  And we are currently working on the great purge of 2014.  Do you need something?  Ask me!  I am probably trying to get rid of it!

After seeing this pic....I am pretty sure I just look fat...not pregnant.  :(


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