It's a.....

BOY!  Words cannot express my feelings tonight.  I am in complete shock and so excited. I thought for sure it was a girl. 

Wednesday morning we arrived at the drs office and I was nervous but I had Diet coke that morning and I knew what to expect.  They called us back and the tech asked if we wanted to know the gender, I told her that I wanted Matthew to know, but that I did not want to know.  So, they checked baby out, looked at the brain, heart, kidneys, and all that fun stuff.  The baby was curled in a ball, so they were unable to see the septum of the heart.  She tried for a while to see that, then decided to move on to gender.  I closed my eyes and she went searching.  She looked, and looked, and shook my belly, and shook my belly....nothing.  The baby was curled up in a ball and the cord was in a very inconvenient location. I walked around jumped around...and the dr. came in and tried to see the septum and the gender.  No luck.  So when we left the appointment we had no idea what the gender was and a gender reveal party scheduled for today.  So, we did what all crazy people do, and we called one of those 3d/4d ultrasound places and they just so happened to have an appointment available that afternoon. 

So, when we got to the 3d place it was supposed to be a 10-15 min appt.....that lasted for 45 minutes.  She found the same problem...cord in the way.  I thought we were going to leave there without knowing as well.  Just as we got ready to call it quits, the girls eyes got really big and I knew she could see it.  Yay!  So she said she knew 100% and printed pictures.  Matthew agreed and took the pictures. 

So the past two days Matthew has known and I have not.  Thankfully he didn't totally torture me with it.  I was sure from the way he was acting that it was a girl.  I am wondering if I should be concerned about how good of a liar he kidding....sort of. 

We are having a boy.  His initials will be W.D.  We will do his room in aqua and navy (and either yellow or red as an accent.)  I am beyond excited, but worried too.  I don't have much experience with baby boys!


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