Week 16

This week has been a bit quiet, which is good.  Holy week has ended and we are back to a somewhat "normal" schedule.  We spent a lot of time this week outside playing as Elliott has found that she LOVES being outside.  Today there was a complete meltdown when we wouldn't let her go outside because it was raining.  She loves to swing, slide and pick dandelions - I mean seriously, how cute is that?

This past week Elliott has become very attached to her baby doll which she has named "Nee".  "Nee" is now sleeping with Elliott, as well as reading bedtime stories and singing songs.  During the day "Nee" travels throughout the house and gets burped, hugged, kissed, and thrown.  lol.  It is really cute.  When I babysit Maddison, Elliott uses "Nee" to mimic taking care of a baby.  Elliott loves Maddison though and is so very sweet with her.  I think she is going to make a wonderful big sister.

Baby #2 is growing.  My tummy is growing and stretching right along with him/her.  I am not sure if it is simply the muscles stretching or the combination of that and c-section scars, but I have been really uncomfortable this week.  Those muscles hurt...a lot.  I gave in today and went and got a maternity support band.  We will see if that works or at least helps.  I am feeling like my mobility is becoming more uncomfortable and I am beginning to "waddle".  I'm only 16 weeks.....seriously?

My blood glucose has been much better controlled this week, not near as many lows.  I was supposed to call my DE today to report, but I avoided it.  Seems like every time I talk to her she wants to change something, and honestly, I didn't want to deal with that.  Things are going great, can't she just leave them alone?

We are getting closer to finding out the gender of this baby...less than a month now.  What do you think?  Boy or girl?  I want to know your thoughts!!

I look rough this week....don't judge.


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