Week 13.

Well, this week was much better than last week.  Finally over the stomach bug and had a few warm days to air out and disinfect the house.  This week was also Spring break for all of the local kiddos.  Our subdivision has been full the joyful noises of kids playing outside.  We enjoyed time outside as well.  Elliott loves going to the park and playing...she is at such a fun age! 

Elliott is now walking pretty much exclusively and of course, with that, comes lots of falling down.  Shew, it is a full time job just keeping up with her.  She is so busy and constantly on the move.  It is funny, when I was in the beginning stages of pregnancy with her I still taught elementary music.  I was up and down out of the floor all day long and I didn't think much of it.  Well, it is a bit harder this go around.  lol. I can only imagine it is going to get worse the further along I get.

This week I have felt really good.  I am back to no real symptoms, and I think I am even getting a little energy back.  I have been a bit sore as things are shifting and baby is growing.  I haven't felt the baby move this week, which is no real surprise.  I did feel it around week 8 and then off and on since then, but nothing consistent yet.  Soon!

I don't have many cravings right now....other than a snickers bar.  lol. I am just hungry all. the. time. Having to watch my carbs and really pay attention to what I am eating is great for the losing weight aspect (20 pounds down!) but not so good for the hunger aspect.

This next week I go back to my regular OB for a check up.  Nothing exciting this go around.  I am supposed to meet with my diabetes manager as well, but Elliott has a music class so I think I am going to reschedule.



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